• Chapter XI

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she was like the moon; part of her was always hidden away

she was like the moon; part of her was always hidden away

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Sensitive to light and loud sounds.

Constant feeling of being about to vomit.

Only wanting to sleep.


a fucking hard headache.

Victoria could have had all those things, yet she just stands on the sideline, watching her friends go through all those symptoms. At 8 o'clock she could say she was productive with having had her morning jog and already telling her friends the whole talk 'drinking is bad'. So after letting them go through that and maybe or maybe not purposely slamming the door while going out, Victoria was now making her way to the great hall for breakfast. She knew as there was nothing that would stop them from doing so, her friends would try to sleep out their hangover and for the door slamming action, she would prepare something that would help.

Usually, the great hall was either buzzing or seeming like a desert on a Saturday morning, and as the morning after a party, Victoria didn't expect anything other than the second option.

The third and fourth years who didn't sneak into the party were already at Hogsmeade. Most of the older students, on the other hand, barricaded themselves like her dormmates in their room with closed curtains. There were only like one dozen Gryffindors sat at the table, not looking older than 13. She walked past them receiving small waves from the little ones before she placed herself down onto the end of the table. Or more she was about to do so when she spotted a familiar mop of black hair sitting at the Slytherin table.

"Hey Sev.," she greeted her best friend. The shortly startled looking boy was, despite not having to, dressed in his Slytherin uniform. "Hey. ," he greeted her back while closing the book he was currently reading and placing it next to him on the free seat. He had his reason for placing it so she wouldn't see what the leather employ held. It was one Avery had brought him from one of the little trips he and Mulciber had made to the Restricted Section.

"Didn't you go to the party or weren't you just not drinking?" Piling her plate with pancakes, she slightly tilted her head to the side. "I didn't go. You know I'm not much of a partying type. If I wanted to see people snogging of their faces, I think the magazines Avery keeps under his bed will do the job." Most people would be surprised by hearing something like that from the most of the time serious looking boy. But he eased around Victoria and Lily that far that for them they were familiar with his sarcastic side, just as with sides he wouldn't show occasionally.

They kept talking for a couple of minutes longer after each of them had finished with their breakfast. "Would you like to tag along? I was about to get some things against the hangover my lovely friends are suffering. ," she said, swinging both of her legs over the bench. Before the greasy haired boy in front of her could have answered, both of them spotted the one person that for each of them was a different side of a coin.

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