• Chapter XXII

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the heart knew it all along but 

the option was way to tempting

To avoid someone proved itself as easy just as it was hard in Hogwarts

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To avoid someone proved itself as easy just as it was hard in Hogwarts. The castle itself was hughe, without a doubt with hundreds of rooms, some of them not even discovered (by most people there). Passages over passages, the castle was big enough to never seen some people who lived there.

At the same time, avoiding someone at Hogwarts was harder than it said it was. Even when the person who had been avoided had been in another year, something about Victoria subtle avoiding Ethan had been harder than she would have liked to admit. While neither shared classes, as Ethan was a year above her, Hogwarts had its ways of making that task harder for the girl. It wasn't like she would run away when he approached her, but everytime a conversation was built, there was this small awkward tension that made her believe Ethan had noticed her lack of response. So those were rather kept short.

Still what was for her till that day an issue was the obvious unspoken words that had circled her mind since then. It wasn't like she was playing with his emotions, even the opposite as she could never do something like that to him, but rather trying to protect them. Because of the slight heartbreak she had felt herself, she knew that she just couldn't say those words, knowing if she did, it would be a lie.

The thing with Victoria was, she wasn't good with emotions, and dealing with those had been a problem of hers too. So for that, she found herself most of the times with that issue -  the majority of her brain a fog of untreated emotions.

So when she found herself at the courtyard, watching her breath become visible in the cold air, she thought on how the universe had such a great way of having the girl in believe that everything was planned out for her - or more her problems. Cold Scottish winds let the loose strands of her hair fly loosely around, not anymore framing her face, but rather blocking her view from moment to moment. The girl herself sat outside in the cold, a light heating charm around her. Even when Spring started to make its way, cold temperatures still made snow dance around the courtyard.

While the girl got cold so easily, something made her always calm when she would watch snowflakes make their way to the people wandering around the earth. Each one different, still flying around just a short while and land, just to then melt when the sun decided that there had been enough time in the cold.

For hours now, should she had sat there when someone sat down on the stone bench next to her. It shouldn't have surprised her when her eyes meet familiar blue ones, but her heart seemed to feel different about it, sinking a little as it missed with all its being, the warmth that he would bring with himself. He still did, but not the same kind anymore, not the kind she would allow herself to enjoy.

For a while neither one spoke a word, just kept looking at each other as if they knew something after this would change. Either one, even unknown for themselves, memorized every detail the other one held. Was it for the golden specks in Ethan blue eyes, that had something unreadable in them. Or for being surrounded the white snow, slightly visible in her hair, how much of a contrast the red of her cheeks seemed to be to the pale of not only her skin but also her surrounding.

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