10: Too Busy

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Momoe's POV
"So are we gonna talk about it or are we just gonna leave it hanging?" Jackson stares at everyone in the room.
"Talk about what?" Jinyoung scrunches his eyebrows together.
"Someone ate my pizza!" He screams.
"Oh dear lord." Mark groans in English and ruffles his hair.
"So it was you!" He points at him accusingly.
"No, Jackson. It wasn't me." He goes back to Korean, sighing at his friend.
"Then who ate my pizza?!"
"Did you ever think that maybe you ate your pizza? We all had our own." Jaebum gives him a look.
"I refuse to accept I ate my own pizza." He crosses his arms, stubbornly.
"You're so dramatic. Remind me why you're my best friend." I raise an eyebrow.
"Because I'm hot."
"That is incorrect." BamBam shakes his head.
"Yeah, if anyone's hot, it's me." Youngjae does the flower pot pose.
"Whoa, look who's suddenly confident." Yugyeom chuckles.
"Momoe noona helps me gain self confidence with her nice morning and night texts~" he smiles at me cutely.
"You send him cute texts?" Jinyoung blinks at me, slightly annoyed.
"Well, of course. He needs to know he's an angel from someone." I shrug.
"How come you don't send me cute texts like that, noona?" Yugyeom pouts.
"You're already confident. I don't need to tell you anything."
"It'd still be nice coming from you." He mutters.
"Aww. Come here, Yugie~" I open my arms for him and he immediately goes for the hug.
He smiles with his eyes closed and hugs me like a child hugging his mother.
"Yugyeom is literally your child." BamBam shakes his head.
"So is Youngjae." Mark adds.
"We never get treatment like this anymore! If noona treated you like that too, you'd understand how nice it feels." Yugyeom glares at the them.
"Speaking of that, how come you chose Yugyeom and Youngjae as your children? Why not like BamBam and Mark hyung?" Jinyoung asks.
"What about me?" Jaebum raises an eyebrow.
"You're too much like an older brother. It'd never work." Jinyoung shakes his head in disapproval.
"A mother doesn't chose her children and children don't chose their mother. Only fate brings them together." I say with a narrator-like voice.
"Why are you like this?" Jackson asks.
"Why're you like this?" I give him a look.
"That's a good question." He taps his cheek and genuinely thinks about it.
"I can't believe he's actually wondering why." Mark stares at him in amazement, laughing a little.
The timer beeps and we all stare at the device, knowing exactly what that means.
"Aww, mianhe, jagiya. I wish we can take a longer break but we can't." Jinyoung frowns, looking at me.
"I only saw you for fifteen minutes." I frown.
"I know I know. How about I spend the night at yours tonight and I can cuddle with you?" He smiles.
"Sounds good to me. Don't leave me alone. You better be there." I quickly cup his cheeks and kiss him.
"I'll text you when we get a water break." Jinyoung smiles.
"Arasseo. Good luck boys. Don't tire yourself out too much! Drink lots of water! Saranghaeyo!" I make a heart with my hands towards all the boys.
"Saranghaeyo~" they sing.
"Annyeong! We'll see you whenever we can!" Jackson waves to me in happiness.
"We'll see her at school tomorrow." BamBam hits his arm.
"Oh yeah."
"Annyeong, Jackson." I laugh then walk out the door.


The next day at school, I'm supposed to meet the girls at our usual spot for lunch but I was held back in class because my Chinese teacher started yelling at me in Chinese saying I'm not participating in her class enough. But I have the best grades in the class so she'll let it slide. She warned me that I need to talk more and I just said okay then ran out.
So now I'm walking through the halls to the courtyard to meet them. I run my fingers through my hair, hoping to relieve my stress a bit. Nobody does that for me anymore and recently I started to miss that Hoshi did that. Speaking of Hoshi, I have to make sure to call him today...
Just as I'm turning the corner, I look up, my thoughts leaving once I see Mark and Brooklyn together. Mark is picking up papers on the floor while Brooklyn is picking up her books. I'm about to call for them when I notice how flustered Mark looks while grabbing the sheets. He seems to not be able to grab the papers off the floor and when he does he drops it again. His cheeks are a bright pink color and I see Brooklyn smiling down at him, giggling a bit at his flustered side. In all honesty, it IS cute and I can see why even Brooklyn, the girl who doesn't usually get hyped about cute boys, would think his nervousness is absolutely adorable.
"I-I'm so sorry." He keeps bowing to her as he stands up and hands her the papers he managed to actually pick up.
"Th-thank you." Her face reddens, making me raise my eyebrows in surprise.
"I can't let a pretty girl like you struggle to pick up the things I made her drop. That wouldn't be gentleman at all." He chuckles.
"Thank you again. I'm sorry you had to help clumsy me." She shyly tucks a loose strand of hair behind her hair.
"I'm sorry for bumping into you! I should've been more careful rounding the corner that fast. I was just trying to get back to my friends." He rubs the side of his neck nervously.
Brooklyn doesn't reply. She just stares at him, analyzing his face. She blinks in confusion, scrunching her eyebrows together. At first, Mark is confused by her expression, but soon he's making the exact same expression as her as if trying to figure out something.
"Do I know you?" She asks, straightening up a bit.
"I don't think so... I would've remembered meeting you." Mark replies.
"Ah, jinjja aish." I tsk, "These pabos... Let me help..." I mumble, shaking my head.
I walk out from where I'm hiding and smile big.
"Hey guys! What's up?" I say loudly so they come out of their thoughts.
They both look at me once they hear my voice. Realization finally hits them and their eyes widen, looking at each other, mouths agape.
"Where have you been? The girls asked me to go look for you!" Brooklyn comes back to reality.
"And you brought all of your things to find me?" I raise an eyebrow.
"I thought wherever you were I'd stay and study for a bit while you did what you had to do."
"Did your teacher make you stay behind again?" Mark asks.
I blink in surprise.
"I didn't think you paid attention to my rant sessions." I mutter, biting my lip in embarrassment.
"There you two are! Both of you disappeared so we all came looking for you!" Jia says, walking up to us.
"But it looks like we missed something big, huh?" Maeum smirks, looking between Brooklyn and Mark.
"I-I don't know what y-you're talking about." His cheeks flush.
"Aww! Look she's so embarrassed!" Jaslene smiles at her, giggling a bit.
"Our little Brookie has a cru-" Duyen begins but Brooklyn covers her mouth with her hand.
"Ignore them." She laughs nervously, looking at Mark.
"O-okay." He blinks in confusion.
"You're such a boy, Mark." I shake my head.
"What do you mean?" He makes a face at me.
"Hyung! Omo! We've been looking for you everywhere! You disappeared!" I hear Yugyeom running up to us.
"Seems like she wasn't the only one missing." Maeum wiggles her eyebrows.
"Seal your lips." Brooklyn gives her a look.
"Oh! Noona!" Yugyeom smiles big at me.
"Annyeonghaseyo, Yugie." I return the smile.
He notices the other girls and looks at them in shock. He smiles again and bows a bit.
"H-hello." His accent heavy as he greets them in English.
"Hi, Yugyeom." Jaslene and Maeum smile and wave to him, knowing him personally.
"Other noonas!" He waves excitedly.
"Will we be seeing you today at rehearsal?" Mark asks Maeum and Jaslene.
"You need the help." Jaslene shrugs, nodding.
"Plus we get to hang out around cute guys! Even better." Maeum laughs.
"No flirting with my boyfriend or Youngjae, that's all I ask." I point at her.
"What about me? I'm the youngest! Don't you want to protect me too?" Yugyeom pouts.
"You can handle yourself." I pat his cheek.
"Why do you have to favor Youngjae? It's unfair." He pouts.
"Go get some food, Yugie. You're gonna faint at practice if you don't get something in your system." My protective older sister side comes out.
"Okay! Gomawo~ Lets go, hyung!" Yugyeom pulls Mark away.
"O-oh! Well, bye! I'm sorry again!" Mark looks back at Brooklyn before letting Yugyeom pull him the opposite way.
"Alright! Let's go get some food now! I'm starving!" Duyen complains, starting to walk towards the food court.
"Me too! I think I'm gonna have the turkey wrap today." Jia starts discussing food options with her.
"Jaslene, have you come up with any new songs for them?" Maeum asks, walking after them.
"Actually, yes. I've got a great idea for a new song. Wanna hear the demo?"
Brooklyn begins to follow when I hold her back. She looks at me in surprise and I smile, cheekily.
"You do know I saw the entire thing, right?" I smirk.
"Y-you did." Her face turns cherry red.
"Yup. You guys were so flustered." I giggle, "I can't believe you didn't realize who each other were." I shake my head.
"I knew I knew him. I just forgot it was because of you." She ruffles her hair.
"I won't let this go, I hope you know that.  It'll be hard for me to forget."
"Geez..." she mutters.
"Don't worry. I won't say anything to anyone, unless you tell me to."
"Please! Don't!" She begs with wide eyes.
"Whoa. I didn't think your reaction would be like this." I snicker.
"Well, I..." she trails off.
"Your secret is safe with me." I smile, "If you ever wanna talk about it, I'm open. I'll be glad to talk about the topic."
"I..." her cheeks become pink once again.
"Let's go eat before your face melts." I laugh, hugging her as we walk.

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