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he pulled up into ihop and opened my door for me but when i came up he pushed me gently up on the car and looked me in my eyes and said i miss those lips. i couldnt resist i went in and kissed him. right after we finished guess who pulls in angry as fuck. Jamari. he opened the door got out and slammed it shut "WHAT THE FUCK LAUREN? WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU KISSING ON HIM? AND NIGGA GET YO HANDS OFF MY GIRL!" he said tightning his fists. "nigga you Betta hop in yo cheap shit and drive away nigga she is mines and always will be mines so--." keke said befor getting inturupted by a girl who looked about 17 with long hair to her butt lightskin deep dimples and a five month looking belly. she got out the car and said "jam jam wats going on baby." Jamari face started looking nervous "ya what the hell is going on jam jam." I said mad as fuck half yelling half talkin "nothing get back in the car malissa." he said getting quieter when he was saying get back in the car. "no malissa stay I'm shanda jamari's sister and you are?" I said lying to see if he was cheating and right when Jamari was gonna correct me she said "oh I'm malissa his fiancé we have two kids a boy and a girl and one mor boy on the ways." she said smiling and looking down at her belly "oh wow bye." I said laughing and getting in keke's car we talked some in the car we ended up jus getting McDonalds for breakfast but then all of a sudden my water broke he didn't notice though "um babe Im so sorry." i said "for what." he said looking ahead still "my water broke In your car." I said kind of embarrassed all of a sudden he steps on his breaks and all u hear is scurrrr and he looks down at the water then up at me then down at the water then up at me "omfg keke fucking take me to the hospital." I said screaming in pain "oh yea my bad."

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