Lets be together

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Keke's pov

"Ok Shawn's bag is the red and brown one (the newborn)Lamar's bag is the blue and brown one Jordyn's bag is the green and brown one and Jasmine's bag is the pink and brown one." Lala said "Mhmmmm." I said grabbing all the stuff "daddy." they all said in unison running up to me "hey my Minnie me's go upstairs and let mommy and daddy talk." i said hugging them "otay." Lamar said as he walked away and his sisters followed him. "Babe come back to me I miss you I need you I'm not even fucking her no more." I said going in for a kiss "you know I'm with jermain now." she said pecking my lips "fuck jermain I see those bruises and I notice how you flinch every time I touch your waist." I said annoid "I got to go." She said while walking away and she was gone

Lala P.O.V

I walked in the house and sat down o. The couch wanting to cry because I know what's coming "lala get yo ass in this fucking room right fucking now." jermain yelled I ran upstairs "yes babe." I said sweetly but on the inside I was scared "where the fuck you been?" He said getting up from the bed as I stepped back a little bit "I was j-just dropping the k-kids off." I said kinda shakey "where did you drop them off?" he asked stepping closer as I backed up more "FUCK I DROPPED THEM OFF AT KEKE NOW LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!" I yelled crying "who the fuck you talking to?" he said pinning me to the wall "LET ME FUCKING GO." I said right before getting punched in the face and passing out I woke up only to find jermain beating me up like I was a man I couldn't barely move I felt everything swelling up and pain rushed through my whole body he kicked punched hit and scratched. "please jermain stop please I'm begging stop."i yelled and cried he got up and walked to the kitchen "get undressed and go on all fours on the bed ima be there in a second." he said I agreed as I cried because I didn't want him to beat me up again I went to the bathroom and saw bruises all over my face and body and my lips was swelled up and my eye was swelled close I took off my clothes and did as I was told jermain walked in wit a belt with the buckle having steam coming from it and it had spikes. "Lauren I'm tired of this so Ima have to teach you a lesson the old fashioned way." he said and he beat me full force 30 times and told me if I moved I would get 10 more I moved only once that's how I got 30 everytime the belt hit my back I screamed in pain luckily after he beat me he fell asleep I could barely walk but I made it to my phone and the bathroom I locked the door and called keke

Keke P.O.V

*phone call*

Keke: hello?

Lala: can you pick me up?

Keke:are you crying?

Lala: yes please pick me up please.

Keke: what happened

Lala: I can't talk much right now please hurry "Lala who the fuck you talkin to in there." No one

Lala: hello?

Keke: yes I'm on my way

*end of call*

I raced down the street with my gun in my pocket because you never know who is out at nights I dropped the kids off at there auntie and headed to Lala's place I came up to the door about to knock when I heard a loud crash that sounded like glass and screaming I heard Lauren yell for help "please jermain stop your hurting me please.""your going to kill me!" I didn't even knock I just barged in and saw Lauren laying on the floor unconcious and jermain still beating her I walked up behind him softly and put the gun on his head I could see a peep of her and seeing my wife lay there unconcious looking so messed up brought tears to my eyes next thing I know I shot I called one of my boys from the trap and told him to come clean it up I picked up the still unconscious Lauren bridal style and put her in the back of my escalade I tried to wake her up but she wouldn't budge if I picked up her arm it would drop down lifelessly I put my head on her cheast and she was alive but asleep I started crying in her cheast because I did all this to her I then panicked got in the front and rushed to the hospital

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