Backbiting (Ghibah) & Saying a Good Word

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As I mentioned in the previous chapters, Haram love only entails problems. Many in the community begin to speak bad when 'religious relationships' are exposed. Though some may feel that those involved in such sin may be deserved of the abuse, it is totally forbidden to harass a Muslim person in that manner and spread his sin like that. I came across an article recently published by an 'Alimah in a local college. It has been written in a way which is understandable to the youth and has been widely received with huge compliments by many. I have decided to also print it here as it deals with the matter at hand in a complete manner.

"College is nearing its end and just as it's ending, a whole load of issues pop up. You go towards the canteen area and you hear Fatima saying, "Zainab has been talking to a guy and he's been saying this and this .... !" and Ahmad's talking to Dhul Kifl saying "yaar wo larki (man, that girl), she's been on MSN bare with fulān fulān(so and so).

Allahu Akbar, Lā Howla wa Lā Quwwata illah Billāh.

Let's put the prayer room issue to the side, and step outside the green mobiles, walk down the slope or the steps, and start walking towards the canteen.

"Oh my days Zainab did you hear that 'Abdullah has been talking to Ruqayya? Oh my days you'd never imagine that. Oh my days and I thought they were religious. Oh my days!"

"Ya man I'm better than Ruqayya, she wears a jilbab and she talks to this guy. I don't wear a scarf but I'm good! At least I don't talk to non mahrams. Psssht. Ruqayya, look at her walking around in her jilbiib ... "

"Whaaaatl HIM? He wears Islamic clothing and he is talking to a GIRL? At least I pray one Jsha here and there but HE wears those clothes, he isn't better than me, at least I don't wear Islamic clothes and talk to guys ... "

What is wrong with the Ummah of today? People just love gossiping and are totally unaware of the teachings of Islam. Walking from the prayer room to the main building and you hear people classing themselves as innocent Muslims, just because they know a girl wearing Hijab and a jilbab is talking to a guy, or knowing that a guy with a beard is talking to a girl, and they go on saying "I am better than her, I am better than him", "at least I don't talk to a guy/girl whilst wearing hijab" or "wearing a topi". These people are talking about them saying "the religious people are doing Zina" etc. etc. Well stop there dear brothers and sisters, in fact in the hadith of the Messenger صلي الله عليه وسلم it says:

The Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلمonce gave counsel to Abu Dharr.رضي الله عنه, saying: "O Abu Dharr! Beware of backbiting (gheebah), for backbiting is graver than adultery (Zina)." Abu Dharr. said: "Why is that so, 0 Messenger of Allah?" He صلي الله عليه وسلم replied: "That is because when a man commits adultery and then repents to Allah, Allah accepts his repentance. However, backbiting is not forgiven until forgiven by its victim. "

So Fatima and Zainab and Ismail are talking about ''Abdullah and Ruqayya, eating away at their flesh because they are talking about them, but we have already focused a whole post on backbiting, so let's now apply it to the situation here.

The girls in the canteen and the boys in the quad are sitting amongst themselves, thinking they are better than ''Abdullah and Ruqayya because they do not talk to guys I girls whilst wearing a Juba, whilst wearing hijab or whilst wearing a topi. Hence they say, "If I was wearing Islamic clothing I'd respect it by not talking to a guy /girl". Well that's all good but then when they go on to say "at least I'm not wearing it and doing Zina! Look at them, perhaps they should practise what they preach."

Fatimah and Zainab should stop there. Read once again the Hadith of Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم:

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