Using the Internet & Social Networking Websites Incorrectly

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Many people are now caught up in speaking to one another till the early hours of the morning. The emergence of many different websites and services that provide instant messaging have become extremely prominent. It is now quite possible to speak to complete strangers from across the world and build relationships from distances. Swapping pictures and personal details have been facilitated to such an extent that a person can now view a person miles away on a mobile phone! On the outset, it seems as another way to socialise and integrate with others who share the same hobbies as you do but deep inside this is a poison which is veiled by the society that endorses mingling. One is at threat from explicit obscenity, free mixing and paedophiles! But as this is not a book warning about paedophiles, the latter will not be discussed.

Part of being a member of such websites means that one should put his picture up for others to see. This becomes problematic when the wrong people are seeing the wrong things. It has become a trend nowadays that brothers like to show their macho body to girls in order for them to leave comments. Some sisters who have been given the ability to wear hijab have taken it to be a part time deed and thus plaster images of themselves extravagantly adorned. This absolutely befuddles me as a girl is in more danger of being seen without hijab on the Internet than she is on the road! One must take precaution with the hijab and come to recognise that it is not just a cloth but the uniform of Allah.

Some Muslims of lesser modesty are using such websites to advertise their body by wearing extremely skimpy garments or none at all and revealing their bodies. This will instantly cause the nafs to go wild and will begin to push it towards something which is imminent destruction.

Sheikh Ya'qub Nanotwi رحمة الله عليه   mentions,

"The gaze should only be utilized to the extent of necessity and never to attain unlawful pleasure, for pleasure has no limitation and he that craves for it will never attain satisfaction and contentment. It is only the person that fulfils his desires within the limitations of necessity that can attain true contentment."

Many people refute the claim that nobody can be attracted to someone by merely glancing at them, love and desire can only be attained once feelings have been shared. However, there is a reason for the infamous line, "love at first sight". This is because the heart has eyes through which it sees and if it likes something, it takes a picture and stores it. Mankind has been created with a heart to love. At every moment in a person's life the heart will surely love one thing or another. These things can vary from cars, jewels, people and even oneself. The heart is indeed a delicate organ of the spiritual body and if it isn't fed the right "food" it will end up dark and unhealthy. Thus the saying of Sheikh Junaid Baghdadi,

"One who guards his heart has guarded his Din."

Unrestrained glances at the opposite sex are poisonous and this is summed up excellently in one Qudsi hadith,

"The ( evil) gaze is a poisonous arrow from the arrows of Iblis. He that abstains from it out of My fear, I will grant him such Iman, the sweetness of which he will experience within his heart." (Tafsir ibn kathir, surah nur)

It is very important to keep the eyes away from viewing things which are forbidden. By looking at the opposite sex, one becomes fond of the view at hand. This causes one to constantly stare at Haram and wish that it was his. A beautiful poem comes into mind,

"Beauty is only for a few days ...
Good character is everlasting.
Beauty captures the eyes ...
Good character captures the heart."

Similarly, another poet says, 

"Those long, glistening strands of hair which seem so enchanting today, will appear more revolting than a donkey's tail when she becomes old."

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