Lets just be friends

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Roc pov-

We all pulled up to the OMG GIRLZ party. I have to admit it was pretty live. Music was blasting to the whole house. The song playing was " Snapback and Tattoos". We walked in the house and saw the omg girlz performing on this little stage. I felt someone yank me to the side. I followed the wrist up to their face.

"Why are we here! You already no we dont like these booshie ass bitches in the first place" she screamed over the music. "Look keisha said we have to perform here for Babydolls 18th birthday. After this i swear will leave" i said while holding her hands . She stared at me for a sec then let out a sigh. " Fine ,but let them heffas try something and i'll attack some one" She walked off . I just sighed and walked to the bar. To ight im getting faded. I got my first shot of tequaila.

Prodigy pov-

I was on the dance floor with fierce. She was grinding on me when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Babydoll.

"Oh hey Babydoll" i said . I felt fierce stop and turned around. " Hey prodigy no happy birthday?" she said with her arms crossed. I chuckled a little " Happy 18th " Fierce linked arms with me. "Oh hey Fietce didnt see you there" Babydoll said a little sarcastic. Fierce chuckled "Of course you didnt" they both traded fake smiles. "Oooook then , im going to go to the restroom" I unlinked arms with Fierce and pushe through the crowd to get to the bathroom. When i got their someone tapoed my shoulfer AGAIN.

I turned around and saw Babydolll again. I was kindave annoyed. She kept following me.

"Hey proddy bear, were you going" she ran her finger up and down my chest. She pushed me into. The bathroom and locked the door behind her. " Wha-what are you doing?" she put her finger up to my lips "Shh its ok proddy bear, You no you want me, i have the best figure a gurl can have, Thick thighs" she ran her finger down my chest " Big ass " she traced back up " And a flat tummy. Perfect, and i couldnt forget my face. So come on prodigy, lets do this the simple way and fierce wont get hurt, at all." I officialy thought the bitch was crazy. I pushed her off me and dashed to the door. " Aww proddy bear wants to play the hard way FINE THEN WILL DO THIS THE FUCKING HARD WAY PRODIGY" she yanked out a Needle . " What the fuck is wrong with you" i said as i baked into te door. "O dont worry prod, it wont hurt." she stabbed me with the needle. I felt woosey. I fell to the floor. I felt her kneel next to me. She rolled me over . " Prodigy, i have always love you . I will wait until you turn 18. I love you that much. Now, im gonna have some fun with you , get comfty, because im kindave horny ;)" then I completley knocked out.

Ray Pov-

Me and Aaliyah were Sitting at the bar taking shots. This girl can handle her liqour. Thats what i love about her.

"Baby lets go dance" she said yanking my arm. "Hmmm in a sec, just go withouht me ill be right there" she sighed. "Fine, hurry up". She walked off. I really wanted to explore this house. I walked upstairs and walked down the halls. It was pretty quite. I walked to this room that said " BABY'S ROOM". So this was either the baby's room, or babydoll's room. Aww what the heck YOLO(PAUSE,I CANNOT BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT LOL LAME".) I opened the door and saw pictures of babydoll everywere. She had a bunch of dolls and electronic advices. I walked farther in and closed the door. I hit my head on the wall and slid down. All of a sudden another door slid open on a empty wall. "What the fuck" i said to my self. I got up and walked to the door. I went inside and saw prodigy everywhere . There were files of his friends,previous homes,family. This bitch is seriously obssesed. "So you saw it". I looked up and saw Babydoll. " Whats wrong with you" she stepped closer to me "nothing ray, what happend to your stomach?" i looked at my stomach and back up to babydoll. "Nothings Wrong?" She smirked "Not yet" she pulled out a gun and shot me in my stomach . " WHAT THE FUCK BRO" i clutched my stomach, She just laughed. " Now i gotta go have some fun with your friend, how but you clean up and get out." she just watched out. I screamed in pain. Thats a dirty bitch right there.

Princeton pov-

I was in the limo with Charisma. She was making out with me.

"Baby take off my dress" she said in my ear. " Baby how many shots did you take" I asked after our kisses. "Hmmm like thirwty seven" she said in a funny way. " Baby im not taking advantage of you, look just lie down." she lied down and I just ran my fingers through her hair. I love this girl. I feel wrong for hurting her behind her back. I got out the car and ran in the house. I pushed past people into I got to bahja. I yanked her from this dude she was talking to . "What the fuck bro" she said eyeing me yanking her away. " I cant do this no more" I said with sorry eyes." Wh-What, now you wanna run back to that loose pussy as bitch when youe been fucking me every week!, HELL NO." I looked at her shocked "Look i love her , why cant you see that, im not doing this with you no nore Bahja" she looked hurt " Your gonna regret this"

She yanked her arm an walked away.

Diggy's POV-

I sat on the steps of the house thinking. Am i inlive with Na? Do i genuinley love her like she loves me.

She came and sat by me.

"Hey baby whats wrong i havent seen you this whole time" I looked at her. My eyes were red from crying. They were so dry. They burned. " I dont love you Na" She looked like i told her she was gonna die in 1 second. " Wha-What? What do you mean" I looked at her. " I mean i will always have a place in your heart and you will have one in mine, its just ..... I dont think we were friends before we started dating. I feel i didnt have time to gain feelings for you. It's just...... Are relationship, i just kindave dont feel a spark". "So you never loved me. You played me. I thought you were genuinley in love with me. For all these months you played me !" " No baby I still love you. I just think we should become friends before we date". She smirked " After all you put me through..... Goodbye nigga" she slapped me hard and good then walked off.


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