Tumbling down

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You guys I couldnt live with the last chapter. So deleted it. Sorry i felt to bad.


I closed my phone. I then walked in the hospital. The doctor had just came out.

Aaliyah- How is he?!

She aske with red burning eyes.

Doctor- Well hes fine. The surgery went smoothly. Its gonna take him 2 weeks. So no performing until then. You kids should really be careful. This is his second time here.

Keisha- Thankyou so much can we see him.

Doctor- I dont see why not.

We all rushed down the hallway to Ray's room.

Rays pov-

I was laying in the bed with my eyes closed. I heard the door open and close. I opend my eyes to see the crew here.

"Wh are yall always in te damn hospital" keisha asked. "Keisha I dont feel good" prodigy said sitting down. "Probably ate to much chicken" Princeton mumbled. "man shut up" Prodigy said. "Will ya shutup, anyways , baby who did this to you" Aaliyah said walking by my side. "Babydoll, i walked i her room, and there was a whole room about prodigy" i said. "What!" fierce and prodigy said in unsion. "Then she found me , and shot me for finding the room" i finished. "And i found her riding prodigy " fierce said. "Dont remind me" prodigy said. Then a police officer and this lady with a office outfit on walked in. "Hi im detective camble, Were here to talk to Fatou Minaj" she started. "Fatou?" all us guys said confused. "Shhh continue detective" Fatou said. " Aaliyah minaj, Raquan Smith" she said. Aaliyah chuckled. "Stop laughing at my name " i said. "And Craig Crippen Jr" she finished. "Ok the rest of you out"Keisha said. "Awww"they all said leaving.

"Ok so Raquan Smith, do you no who did this?" She asked me with a notepad out. "Umm, Breaunna.... I dont no her last name, but shese in a music group called the OMG GIRLZ,none as Babydoll" i said. "Ok and Craig Crippen Jr were you aware you were injected with aripmitide (not real) its a very known rape drug." she said. "Eww a chick raped me" he said. Fierces hit his arm. "And Aaliyah Minaj if you wouldave got here any later you wouldve probably lost your boyfriend" she said. "Lord had mercy" aaliyah said holding her chest. "And Fatou Minaj-" she started "My name is Fierce" fierce said with a little attitude. "Im sorry, Fierce Minaj, you saved your boyfriend also" she stated. Fierce nodded. "Well we are going to see if we can fine this Breaunna, have a nice day" she walked out.

Prince pov-

We were all sitting in the waiting room quite. Keisha then walked out with Prodigy,Aaliyah, and Fierce.

Keisha- Were going to the omg girlz house.

Prince- What why?

Keisha- You'll see.

Prince- Well when is Ray gettin out?

Keisha- 3 days,

"I cant get none for 2 weeks" aaliyah said crossing her arms.

Keisha gave her a death glare."Ok sorry geesh" Aaliyah said ."Come on yaw " keisha said motining us to the car. We got in and began driving. When we got there we all got out and walked in the house. Stupid people leaving it unlocked. We saw just Star and Beauty picking up party stuff.

"O hey keisha" beauty said eyeing me up and down. "Hey girls ,um,have a seat" keisha said. They sat down along with us sitting down to. Keisha stood standing.

"Now look if yaw have any drama,secrets,lies, say it now." keisha said. Beauty raised her hand. O shit. She bedda not. "I have been sleeping with pricenton" she said. Fuck. This bitch didnt. Charisma didnt say shit. She got up and walked over to me. She bent down to my level. And she slapped the SHIT outta me. I stumbled back in my chair. She then puched me in my chest. She stood up with a blank face and walked up to bahja. She attacked her and bahja fell oer in her chair. Charisma was punching the shit out of her. She dragged her on this marble floor by her hair. Na and T'elek ran and pulled her off. "SO PRINCE YOU WANT THAT FUCKED UP LOOSE PUSSY BITCH,GO ON AND HAVE HER,I HOPE YOU GIVE A BLOWJOB TO A KNIFE YOU BITCH" charisma shouted. She walked out the house to the car. I ran out after her.

Charisma pov-

I was in the car not sheddig a tear. If i learne something from my sisters. Its to not cry over these niggas. Fuck them. I pulled out my phone and went on twitter.

@PrincessBadAssAngel Hey Team Midless Fans. Your boy princeton is now available. Im done with em. If your wondering why ask @Pinkbeauty (not real) and @AfroKing (not real).

The door to the car opened. Prince walked in.

"Nigga getthe fuck out" i said camly. "No baby look-" he started. "NO NIGGA , YOU SLEPT WITH HER. WHY. I WASENT GOOD ENOUGH! " i screamed. "NO baby look-" he started but i cut him off by punching him in his chest. "I FUCKING LOVED YOU , YOU BITCH" I said punching him. "Stop hitting me" prince said tryna cool me down. I didnt listen. "Stop" he said. I didnt listen. He then back hand slapped me and i fell to the floor of the limo holding my cheek.

(a/n) Ok so to all of you probably like "Why arent i in this chapter" i dont want to have veryone having drama at once. Youll get your time to shine ok lol.

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