Hoodie Ninja

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"Have fun, G.A.M.F.!" Genji cackled as he closed the door behind him. He heard some muttering and a quiet "whumf", so McCree probably said something stupid. Genji chuckled as he walked away. Not unusual for the gunslinger, he thought to himself. As he walked away from his brother's room, his thoughts turned ever-so-slightly more serious. Okay, so Han finally got laid, and I do mean finally. Good for him! Jesse is a good man and will probably not do anything stupid enough to warrant me stabbing him. Probably. The cyborg turned the corner to go to his room, breaking from his thoughts as he saw one of the base's doctors standing outside his door. "Hey, doc, is there a problem?" The doctor looked up and smiled. "No problem, Genji, just an update on your brother. I doubt he told you he was injured while you were away." Genji frowned, "He certainly didn't. Was it bad?" The doctor sighed, "No worse than usual, but Agent McCree was quite shaken about it. He's ensuring your brother gets plenty of bed rest." Genji snorted, he's doing something in bed, I'll give him that. The doctor continued, ignoring the noise, "However, as you are the closest relative and you're in the vicinity, I wanted to make you aware of the situation. Should any complications arise, it will make it easier to notify you, and you won't be taken by surprise." Genji nodded. "I understand. Thanks, doc. I should probably be getting some bed rest myself." The doctor nodded and walked back to the medical ward.

Genji unlocked his door and stepped inside. "Ah, room. How I've missed you," he said as he set his sword to the side. His room was a bit small, to be sure, but that was just the standard for the base. He had some posters here and there (the Mulan one was a permanent fixture) as well as some pictures of him and the team. He smiled as he found one taken when he was reunited with Hanzo. Hanzo was scowling and Genji was throwing peace signs behind his head. He had been so nervous that day, so sure that Hanzo would just try to kill him again. Thankfully, he hadn't, but it had been very touch-and-go for a while. He shook that thought aside as he began to remove his armor. Contrary to popular belief (Lena), Genji did not keep his cyborg armor on 24/7. For one thing, he trusted everyone on base not to hurt him while he was, as Lena put it, "naked." For another thing, he was still human, and body odor and sweat were still issues. He lifted his faceplate off, sighing with relief as cool air touched his face. He removed what other armor he could, then moved to his bathroom. He wasn't actually supposed to shower, even if his armor was waterproof, but he still needed to wash his hair. He started the water and removed the shower head, running the hot water over his green hair. He was sure the dye was fading again, and the water wasn't helping that, but he didn't care. His hair smelled funky, and he was fixing it. He ran his human hand through it (the cyborg one pinched his hair) as he scrubbed shampoo into it. Yikes, those were bugs. In his hair. Ew. More shampoo was going to be needed.

After washing his hair, face, and remaining arm (good thing he was ambidextrous), Genji inspected himself in the mirror. Yep, he was right, his hair dye was fading. It looked kind of cool, though, the green hair fading to black at the roots. He was totally not just saying that because he was out of dye and really didn't want to make a trip to get some. As he hung his towel up, he heard his dragon stir. "Good morning, Wasabi." The dragon grumbled, "Good morning, Nōtarin. What did I miss?" Genji smirked. "Hanzo and McCree. Together. Post-sex." Wasabi gasped, "Oh my God, seriously?! I missed that?! Also, I totally called it! Rin and Len owe me big time for this." Genji snorted, "Like they'll ever admit it. Besides, you're spirits, what can they owe you?" Wasabi made a smug sound, "You'd be surprised. Anyway, I'm gonna go confront them about it, be back soon," and she was gone, presumably to the spirit realm. Genji didn't know how that worked, but he liked to imagine Wasabi went to Hanzo's dragons' spirit apartment and banged on their door demanding payment like a crazed landlady. He chuckled at the image and settled onto his bed. He grabbed his phone from his nightstand and texted Zenyatta, *Gonna rest for a bit. Meet me at mess hall for dinner?*A few seconds later, Zenyatta responded, *Indeed. I will be meditating should you seek me before then :::)* Genji smiled. Introducing Zen to emoticons was the best idea he'd ever had, even if the number of dots was off. Oh well, still adorable. He set his phone back on the nightstand, ready for a quick rest, when he felt his dragon slam into his mind. He startled, but she was yelling at him now, "OH MY GOD GENJI LIN AND REN ARE TOTAL FUCKING MORONS BUT THEY GAVE ME A REALLY GREAT IDEA YOU'LL THANK ME LATER, TRUST ME" and Genji was so lost as to what was happening, and he just wanted sleep, and that was when he passed out.


Genji woke up slowly, his ears ringing as he groaned and pushed himself into a sitting position. At least I was on the bed, he thought as he tried to collect his thoughts. The ringing in his ears was really loud, and not helping him concentrate. He grabbed his phone to check the time, worried he'd overslept. Nope, he'd only been out about five minutes. Still plenty of time to rest before dinner. But first, the ringing. And the passing out thing, why had he passed out? "Wasabi? What happened?" He sat and waited, but there was no response. Strange, his dragon was at the forefront of his mind, why couldn't he hear her? Then he noticed that the ringing sounded a lot less like ringing and a lot more like the sound Lena made when she found Hanzo and Genji asleep on the couch. In other words, his dragon was squealing like a schoolgirl. "-EEEEEEEEE, OH MY GOD GENJI YOU LOOK SO ADORABLE HAHAHA HOLY SHIT," and she was still yelling! "Wasabi, you're hurting my ears. A lot. And you're in my brain, so it's even worse. Please stop." She did, but he could feel her buzzing with excitement. And what was up with her calling him adorable? He looked the same as always, and probably didn't even have bedhead considering how short he slept for. He ran a hand through his hair and stopped short, eyes widening. What the fuck, he thought frantically, is on my head. Why can I feel that, what is this- mirror, he staggered upright, something over balancing him as he rushed to his bathroom. He looked up and froze. There, on his head, poking out of his hair, were two green and black cat ears, swiveling and twitching with worry. What the FUCK- Genji grabbed the ears and let out a hiss of pain as they hurt and why was this happening- and noticed something moving behind him. He snatched it, recoiling when he felt that too and grabbed more slowly. A tail. A fucking black cat tail with a green tip, twitching in his hands and he could feel it and his ears and those were claws on his human hand, and was he still human? And Genji bolted out the door. He knew he probably shouldn't be this exposed, but the halls were blessedly empty as he barged his way into Hanzo's room, taking in the sight of Jesse with ears, too, what? and Hanzo with HOLY SHIT HORNS WTF wrapped in a blanket on the bed, thankfully not naked, not that Genji was any calmer for it. "Dude," he said, frantic, "what the fuck did you do?"


HELLO, MY BEAUTIFUL READERS! I'm back? For now? College is going well, and I decided what the hey, I'll get this put down on paper. Text. Whatever.

Side note, you know how I said Genji was in Nepal last chapter? Well, I had NO IDEA that's where he's usually stationed. Like, I said that because of Monster's Inc. (nice, quiet Nepal) BUT???? Anyways, whatever. Hope you like this chapter! Btw, Nōtarin means dumbass in Japanese (at least it does according to Google Translate), so that's the kind of dragon she is. -Ciao! Mitzy

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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