Chapter 22

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This is it, this is where i'm going to die...

Bella's POV

I prepared myself to jump off. I let go of the railing and stepped off the edge. But i never fell. I felt arms around my waist pulling me up and over the railing. I opened my eyes to see none other than Jonah. He looked so sad. His eyes were a grey dull colour and there were tears running down his face. He placed me down on the ground and i saw everyone else (but Jack and Abby) standing there sadly. I was angry. I wanted to jump off that cliff. I stood up. 'Why didn't you let me jump!?' I yelled at Jonah. He looks taken aback.

'Because you can't die, you have so much to live for, we need you here,' He replied slowly.

'But i don't want to be here, my life almost ended, but it didn't work. I have had so many problems in my life that i can't take anymore,' I screamed.

'Tell us your problems, we might be able to help you, even if you think we can't help, it will lift a weight off your shoulder,' Daniel said. I sighed. I needed to tell someone what has happened with Matthew (remember him?). 'Ok, sit down, this might take a while,' I said sitting back down. I began.

'So, it all started when i began dating this guy named Matthew. He was great at first, he treated me like i was the only person that mattered to him, so i was happy. But one night i went over to his house to see him, and i saw a girl leaving the house. At the time i thought it was an old friend or something so i didn't really worry about it. I went inside his house and i could instantly tell he was drunk. He started coming closer to me, too close. And started touching me and stuff, i told him to stop so he did, which was good. Anyways, i went over about 2 weeks later as i had been busy, i walked in and as soon as i walked in he started yelling at me, i could tell he was drunk again. Then...' I paused and took a breath. 'Then he slapped me on the face really hard. I left and after that it got worse. He got so into hitting me that he started punching me, he was drunk everyday and it was killing me. I saw girls leaving his house all the time. One day, i went over and told him i was breaking up with him, he said no we are not breaking up. I tried all the time. Max thought i was dumb cause i was not breaking up with him. I told he he wouldn't let me but he didn't believe me. Matthew abused me everyday, so i stopped talking to him and going to his house. Ever since then i have spotted him outside the kitchen window, at the beach, wherever i went i saw him. That has stopped over the years but it still scares me. Once i left LA, i fell into a depression, it was so bad i started physical harm,' I lifted my sleeves to show the scars on my arms. 'I came back to LA because it was my home, but i saw you guys in Starbucks and got scared. I didn't want to see any of you, not even Milli, because i couldn't bring myself to. I wanted to jump off the cliff because last time i tried to kill myself it didn't work,' I finished with a deep sigh. They all looked like i just jumped off the cliff.

Nobody spoke, we just sat there thinking. I felt the tears falling onto the concrete in front of me. I then felt many arms wrap around my body, everyone was hugging me. Tears fell from everyone's faces. 'Let's head back to our place, you can stay over with Milli or something, i texted Max where you were as well,' Corbyn said. We hopped into an Uber and i sat next to Daniel and Zach in the middle. I laid my head on Daniel's shoulder and just kept it there, not falling asleep. I could literally feel Daniel smiling. We arrived at the boys house and unlocked the door. Only to see the 2 people i hate, making out of the couch. Jack and Abby of course. The tears began to come back. Daniel brought me into a hug. I didn't hug back though. I broke from the hug as Jack and Abby realised we were home. I couldn't hold it in anymore. 'I should've just jumped, then none of this would've happened...'


Hello Everyone! Just a warning that this book is trying to prevent suicide, not keep it going. You should always ask someone to talk to or help you when you are thinking about these things!

See you guys in the next chapter


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