Chapter 2: What are you?

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Goes my stupid alarm trying to wake me up, then my little sister comes running in. "Wake up! Wake up! Can you help me get dressed in my junior highschool uniform!" She yells  at the top of her lungs.
"Ok, ok, ok, just let me get dressed first." I reply with a grungy voice. So she runs off to gather her uniform. Then my phone goes off, with no caller Id, but I answer anyway.
"Hello this is Davina speaking." At first there is no reply straight away but then a quiet voice says.
"You lied Miss Fields. You told us you didn't know the man named Ryland. We were going to give you a chance to escape the life that's a head of you! But now, you are in danger, and it's your fault!" Before I could reply the mysterious voice hangs up. It was the same voice as yesterdays call. I was so stuck in my thoughts that I hadn't realised my lil sister was back yelling at me to get my attention.
"What?!" I yell back and she points to the two uniforms on my bed. "Oh yeah, sorry lets get ready."

20 minutes later we are both standing in front of my mirror. Katelyn is in front of me while I do her hair. "You look pretty Katelyn" I told her, she is quiet for a  few seconds then replies.
"Not as pretty as you Davina. Why are you wearing make up? You never do, except if you have a crush." I smile at her honesty and how much she's picked up over the years.
"It's because today is the 50th anniversary of sibling day, so I've been asked to make a speech" I tell her. She has a big smile, probably cause I haven't made  a speech since mum's funeral, it was nice seeing her smile cause she hasn't smiled much since we were forced to live with my aunt Georgia, because of dad's drinking problem, but when she dose it's like sunshine on nice summer day.
"Girls it's 8:50 you better hurry and get to school, or you'll be late!" My Aunt yells from down stairs. "LET'S GO!" Katelyn shouts while sprinting down the stairs.
10 minutes later we arrive at my school we are walking towards my friends and their siblings.
"Ling! Sarah! Josh!" Katelyn yells while running up to give her friends a giant hug.
"Hey Lilly and Penny, what's up?" I asked.
"Sorry Davina, I would love to stay and chat but we've got to go show our siblings around since it's their first time here" Lilly says while trying to keep a hold of her sister Ling's hand.
"Not to mention, if you look behind you there's a hottie talking to his friends but can't seem to keep his eyes from drifting to you. What is his name again?" Penny flirtatiously says.
"His name is Ryland, Penny; and he's just a friend" I say firmly.
"When did he become a friend?" Penny asks with curiosity.
"When he walked me home, yesterday" I say firmly again. They both stood there trying to see if anything happened yesterday by the expression on my face, but I don't give a thing away, well there was nothing to hide.
"Hey, do you mind if I interrupt?" I hear Ryland asks behind me.
"Not at all, take all the time you need, Byyyeeee Davina!" My friends yell while running off to show their siblings around.
"Hey what's up Ryland?" I ask.
"Um, my little brother Jake, and I were wondering if you could show us around?" He asks while going a light shade of pink.
"Um, sure, but why didn't you ask your friends?" I say looking back at the two guys he left behind.
"Cause Zed and Zach told me you've been here longer than them, so you'll know all the cool spots to hang and shit like that."
WOW! I didn't expect that, cause Zach used to be my bestest friend and he talked me into coming here, a year after I started high school.

It's 12:15 and I've started showing them around after my speech, and I've almost shown them the whole school by now. I had just asked Katelyn to show Jake the play ground that they are allowed to play on. I turn around to ask Ryland a question, and the second I do Ryland kisses me.
His lips are so soft and smooth not what I'd imagined, not saying I did but you get what I mean. "WHAT THE HELL!" I yell at him when we had stopped kissing.
"What?" He asks like he had done nothing wrong. "Why did you fricken kiss me?" I shout back at him, moving slightly backwards to put some distance between us.
"I couldn't stop myself anymore, I just- just had to." He replies. He must of noticed how bright red I was, cause then he apologises and hugs me gently. It was kind of nice the kiss and all, but he could've at least asked me first. Before I could say anything else I heard my sister and  his brother screaming for help in the distance.
"HELP US! PLEASE HELP US!" Is all I can hear as we sprint to them. When I get there, there is a tall man, with pale skin, red hair, tigers ears, claws and tail. What on earth is that? I wonder.
"Give me your scarf!" Ryland yells to me.
"What!? Why!??" I ask in confusion of the giant furry man and his weird order.
"I'll tell you everything  later, just give me your scarf now!" Ryland yells again. So I hurry up and give him my bandana. Just as I hand over scarf he transforms right before my eyes. He has changed into whatever that is but with a wolfs ears, tail & claws. He ties my scarf around his wrist, then runs over to our siblings. He grabs Katelyn and Jake, places them next to me. I gently push them around my back to protect them from anything else. Then we watch as Ryland goes back and fights that tiger thing.
They are punching each other black and blue. The tension between them is chaotic. The tiger guy pushes Ryland, and while we are busy watching Ryland fly across the grass, the tiger thing quickly disappears. Looking ferociously around Ryland searches for the tiger. I don't give it a second thought until I hear a stick break behind me. On an instinct I didn't even know I had, I turn quickly throwing up my hand and creating some type of force field, propelling the tiger guy backwards, and puts enough space between us for Ryland to jump in front of me.
He looks back slightly with a look of impressed and shock, but bounces back in time to quickly defeat the guy and send him running for the hills.
He quickly comes to my side, and checks us all over quickly for any injuries, and sighs with relief when he sees none. He takes the scarf off my wrist, and hands me my scarf back. He transforms  back into a human with a slight flash of light.
"Sorry about that, but at least everyone's ok" he tells  me still looking at me with hints of shock.
"Except for that tiger thing." I correct him. He gives me a slight smile, then offers to put my scarf back on for me. "Yes please." I pull my hair to the side and he quickly ties it, and I try my hardest to ignore my quickened pulse every time his fingers slightly touch my skin.

An hour later, Katelyn had called Aunt Georgina, to ask if Jame was allowed to come over and play. Which Aunt being the nice person she is, said of corse, so they went straight home before Ryland and I.
"Yes Davina?" He replies straight away.
"Um, what and who was that thing back there, that you fought?" I ask trying not to fumble over my words.
"Well, uh, that thing and I are a powerful creatures. We are called ayakashi's. I've been sent here to protect you Davina." Ryland says strongly.
"Protect me from what?" Why dose it seem like I'm always asking him questions.
"You and your sister are daughters of the most powerful ayakashi kind ever. The royals. Who can pick a type of ayakashi they want to be, plus the destined one they are meant for." He says calmly trying not to freak me out.
I wonder if that strange man that keeps calling me is someone dangerous then.
"How many types are there?" Again with more questions.
"Way too many to keep count of"
"What are the most popular ones?" I ask wanting to know more.
"Those are wolf, tiger, crow, devil, angel, ice, fox, lion, spirit and butterfly I believe. Then there is your kind, which have the royal blood which means you have two ayakashi forms, one you decide and one that is destined for you." He responds.
"But how, I'm just a simple human?" I say as I gesture to all of me.
"The royal blood line when born seem to be just human, and until their 18 birthday, they are ament to watch and join in with the other clans to decide what they want to be, and maybe find their other half. Because at the age of 18 that's when the oldest heir starts their training to take over in the years to come. The reason the tiger was after your sister is cause the tiger clan wants to rule over our world, and the reason that I needed your scarf is cause you give power to any thing you touch or kiss/sleep with." Wow, that's a lot to process, plus he really doesn't mind answering my questions.
"So that explains why you kissed me!" I exclaim.
"What?" He questions.
"You kissed me so that you could to make sure it was really me you needed to protect!" He blinks a couple of times, then starts to slowly nod. After the conversation he offers to walk me home, and answer anything else I may want to know. Which I said yes, but there isn't anything else I want to know, I just mostly want to walk with him.

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