Chapter Nine: Fighting For Whats Right! Part 1

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After a couple days we finally arrive at the tiger clan, aka Triberia, castle, which is mostly orange, with white detains and black towers for guards.
"Get out the car!!" Cassandra commands.
I do as she says and slowly, we walk up to the front gate.
"You Highness! Does King Whitman know you are here?!" One of the guards ask in a tough voice.
"Of corse he does now open up. My daughter needs to meet his son, they are going to be married soon, So let us through!" She commands and the guards look at each other then move apart to let us through. After a little walk through the giant castle, we arrive at the ball room, where there was tons of staff making decisions and preparations for my upcoming wedding. After a while a man, that has transformed into his tiger ayakashi, comes out, and by the very fancy crown on his head, I'm guessing it's the King.
"Ahh, Cassandra dear! Where have you been? I've been waiting far to long." He says jokingly with a slight chuckle at the end of his sentence.
"I'm sorry Whitman, my daughter, Davina, was having some uneasiness about the wedding, but she's good now. Aren't you Davina?"
"Yes mother." I say with my head down.
"May I ask where is your son?" Cassandra asks. "He's right next to me- no he's not hold on. Mathew Tigressi get in here now!!!" He yells into the corridor behind him, and in comes a tall, skinny boy, with orange hair, freckles, and blue eyes.
"Hello, Princess Davina, I am Prince Mathew the second, named after my grandfather." He polity says while bowing.
"Hello Math- I mean prince Mathew." I reply with a slight curtsy.
"They already seem like a perfect match. Go have a walk you two, while Cassandra and I talk about the wedding arrangements." The king says cheerfully. So Mathew walks me outside to a beautiful garden with like a hundred different coloured roses.

As we walk through the garden of roses we make some small talk, but when we get to like the fifty-third rose I think, that looked like a sunrise on every petal, he stops and stares at the roses in bloom.
"It's a stunning rose." I say quietly, while admiring them.
"Yes it is. They are almost as pretty as her." he replies.
"Your mother, or somebody special to you?" I curiously ask.
"My ex as of three hours ago." he says with a sad tone.
"What is your guys story?" I ask with caution.
"When I was sixteen I wasn't exactly the perfect prince. So one early morning, just as the sun began to rise, I was riding back from a party in a near by clan, as I hoped off my horse and lead her into the stable, and then tried sneaking back out, I bumped into the most beautiful girl I ever saw, her name is Rose. From that day on, we talked and hung out, then eventually we started dating, she was the best thing in my life, so I wanted to show her how much I loved her, so I invented her, a unique rose bush, the colour of a sunrise, to represent the day we met. I may have gotten caught sneaking back in by the guards, but meeting her, was the best thing. I was happy, until this morning my dad said, that the princess of the ayakashi world, had arisen, and I might be able to marry her. At first I refused, but after he threatened to have her killed, I agreed." He says with a catch in his throat.
"Really! That's what happened to me. I was with my, well we aren't officially a couple, so I guess he's my Ryland for now, when she barged in, threatened to kill him unless I came with her, to marry you!" I say back.
We keep talking throughout our walk, when a loud bang can be heard through the garden.
"That is the warning bell for dinner, come on, I'll show you too the table." Mathew says. I nod and we begin to enter the castle.
"Hold on, maybe we should hold hands or something as we enter, so they think we are okay with it." I say quietly.
"Good idea." Mathew agrees, then we grab each other's hands, walk into the dining room and eat dinner.

About two weeks later it, I've still been having those dreams which are actually my memories, when at 3 in the morning, Mathew comes in to my room. "Davina! Wake up!" He yell into my ear.
"What?" I ask with a groan while still half asleep. "My father wants to take over the ayakashi world, take it back to how it used to be, where woman were not equals, and the different ranks within the clans, we need to stop him." He says quietly.
"He wants to do what?"
"That's why he wants us married, and why he is being friendly with your mother, especially while your dad is M.I.A."
I sit here for a minute thinking of an idea.
"I need to go get Ryland and some others that can help. I also need you to get a message to Rose, to meet us in about 4 days."
"Smart, we need them for back up, but how will we get away with being missing for that long?" He asks.
"We.... we say we wanna go on a little trip just the two of us"
"Like a romantic getaway."
"Exactly. Then we'll go get Ryland, after you get a message to Rose telling her to meet us at the park just before you enter the tiger clan. Alright?" I ask him.
"It's a brilliant idea Davina. Let's do it." He says enthusiastically.
"Go pack a bag, and maybe arrange some horses for us. We'll leave in a couple hours." We both nod and head to work getting ready for our departure.

A day and a half later, we arrive at the wolf clan, which I should really learn the name of. We hop off our horses and lead them through the town, when I spot a farmer to look after our horses for a little while. When we get into the centre on the town, almost at Ryland's house, when we get bombarded by a group of girls.
"Why'd you break up with Ryland?! Why are you marrying a prince, when you've got Ryland?! Why did you break Ryland's heart" they were yelling at me. So I flare out my wings and yell in a commanding voice.
"Girls! I will answer all your questions later but I need to know where Ryland is?" They all point to his mums house. "Thank you girls." I say to them, and then as we go to walk away I notice they are all glaring at Mathew.
We get to the house within a few mere minutes, and inside I hear laughing. I knock loudly, then all laughter stops and I hear footsteps come to the door. "Hello, may I ask why you ar- Davina!" Katelyn yells as she opens the door wider and give me a giant hug. Then I see Ryland run out of an a joining room, and freeze as he sees me. I run up to him and give him deep kiss, then as we pull away I look  at his to see the necklace I gave him.
"Ryland, I've missed you, but we need your help." I tell him.
"We?" He questions then looks behind me.
"This is Mathew, the guy I'm ament to marry, but we have to stop him." I say quickly before anything happens.
"What's wrong? I'll do anything to help." Ryland replies.
So I get Marcus, Katelyn, and Jake to sit down, and then Mathew and I tell them everything. Not long after a woman, in her probably late thirties comes in though the front door.
"Katelyn dear. You ready for our lesson- oh my gosh, Davina!" The lady says.
"Davina, this is"
"Aunt Cassie." I cut in.
"Good to see you remember me Davina."
"You too, and what lessons are you talking about?" I question.
"Well it seems that, the royal blood gene skipped your sister, and she got your mothers genes." Ryland says.
"Yep so I'm teaching her, how to use her angel powers." Cassie says calmly.
"Would you be willing to us fight against Cassandra and King Whitman?" I ask her.
"Of course I am." She nods,
"We need more people..... Ryland! Who were the lion ayakashi's that looked like Zed and Zach?" I ask him. "They are Zed and Zach" he replies.
"Oh well can you get them to meet us at the park outside the tiger clan entrance?" He nods in response.
"Okay, pack some bags, and we need to get a few horses, then we need to go." I say, then just before we were about to disperse, Katelyn jumps in front of us.
"What about us? Can we come?" She asks.
"No sweetie, it's too dangerous." I tell her.
"But you need the help, and if you don't let us come, we'll just follow you, right Jake?" She says to him.
"What, uh, yeah!" Jake seconds her.
"Cassie, how far is she with her powers?" I ask her. "If she was learning at a school probably, a year seven." she says.
"Fine, you can come, but only use a little bit of your powers" I say then we disperse and get ready.

When we get there a couple days later, Mathew jumps off his horse and runs staring to this cute country looking girl, and kisses her.
"You really missed her, didn't you Mathew?" I jokingly say.
"I guess you could say that." He says while blushing slightly.
I look around and see everyone is here, then I start to make a plan. A few minutes later I look at my watch to see it's almost 5 pm.
"I have to go, I have one last dress fitting before the wedding tomorrow" I say, and as I go to leave, Ryland grabs me, puts one hand on my waist, and one behind my head, and passionately kisses me. When he stop, I smile, and then run off for my fitting.

I don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I have a feeling we will succeed, but a small part of me has a really bad feeling.

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