Chapter 5: Eyes on Me

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I rush down the long hallway packed with pushing kids. I almost trip over my own clumsy feet when one of the senior boys grabs my arm. I go to apologize and thank him but he says not to worry about it, then as he turns to walk away, he wishes me best of luck with Brooklyn's absence. I recognize him, he was in Brooklyn's homeroom and tech class, and I think he was on the football team with Brook as well.

I quickly spin the lock on my locker, 16-23-27, swing open the door, and skim my schedule. I smile at pictures of my soldier as I close the door, then head off to grade 11 biology.

I'm next to late for class, yet I made it before Mr.Kelly started talking. I take my seat at the back of the room and reassure my phone is on vibrate.

After Mr.Kelly assigns our lesson, I'm thankful its only bookwork. I take out my binder and headphones and skim through the lesson.

When finished I walk up to the front to hand in my paper, but its awkward, almost like when I first moved here a week into freshman year. People whisper to one another and I dust it off for now.

I ask Mr.K what I missed yesterday while I was at the airport and he hands me a paper full of terms, so therefore they didn't do much then take notes. As I thank him and go to walk away, he calls my name quietly. "I'm aware Brooklyn is stationed and I apologize and give you my prayers, but I would hate to see one of my best students fall behind. If you need anything, I'm right here Alexia." I try to hold back tears, its getting hard when people say they're sorry. I thank him and he gives me a small smile. He's not my favourite teacher, but he is definitely a really good one.

I return to my desk blocking out the eyes on me. As I pull out my chair, the bell rings and I grab my stuff and almost run out of the class, leaving everyone behind me.

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