My Everything

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The rain was coming down hard every now and then it would start to thunder and then flashes of lightening would show making the terrifying crack noises. I looked around the room to see Jade sprawled out beside me. She had came in earlier. She was whimpering every time it would thunder and she had a few tears fall from her chocolate brown eyes.

I looked at her seeing her peacefully sleeping. Dragging in even breaths, I smiled to myself. This girl doesn't know how beautiful and amazing she is. I brushed a piece of hair away from here face and she stirred a little in her slumber. I sighed and got up walking into the kitchen. I need to stop this.

Stop falling for her. I finally admitted it. I'm falling for Jade Amellia Thirlwall. It feels good to admit it. Smiling I reached into the fridge and pulled out a water bottle and taking a few drinks before deciding to go back to bed. I shuffled my feet back to my bed room where Jade was an laid down.

Pulling the covers up to my shoulders and snuggling under them. Thinking about anything and everything from when I was going to see my family again to our next concert. Most importantly though was Jade.

I closed my eyes trying not to think to much. Letting sleep over come me until BOOM CRACK! Lightening and thunder sounded. I sat up and looked at Jade to see if she was sleeping. She rolled over and looked at me.

"Pezza, I'm scared." She frowned as a tear made its way down her tanned cheek. I frowned a little and wiped her tear away.

"It'll be alright jadey-bear. You'll be okay. I promise." I smiled at her and saw her give back a weak smile.

"Yeah I guess so." She said breathlessly. I smiled at her as she scooted closer to me.

"Jadey? What are you doing?" She wrapped and arm around my waist and laid us down.

"Nothing pezza. Just snuggling with you. I just wanna be next to you." I smiled and wrapped my arms around her and soon I heard her even breathing.

I kissed her head as I whispered "I just want to be with you Jadey. More than you think. I love you."

I closed my eyes and let sleep over take me.


I woke up to jade jumping up and down on the bed. "Pezza wake up!" She fell down on top of me.

"DEAR LAWD JADEY! I'm up I'm up!" I giggled and Jade got off smiling. And walking out if the room popping her head back in for a few seconds.

"I made pancakes. So get dressed and come eat perrieh." Her Geordie accent filled my ears as she giggled. Faintly hearing feet padding down the hall and a door lightly close. I got up and walked over to my closet picking out what I was gonna wear today. I decided on a pair of black leggings and a red tank top with a rainbow cat on it. Along with a grey-black jacket. I slipped on a pair of socks and walked downstairs seeing jade eating a piece of bacon while over the stove.

I chuckled and rushed up behind her grabbing her sides "HI JADE!!!!" I screamed and she jumped and screamed. She turned around and smacked my arm. "PERRIE LOUISE EDWARDS!" She yelled and I giggled running away only to hear feet padding across the floor after me. I turned and ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

"PERRIE OPEN THE DAMN DOOR SO I CAN KILL YOU!" I laughed "NEVA! It's payback for jumping on me!" I heard her sigh and feet pad down the stairs. I opened up the door checking if it was safe. I walked out of the bathroom and stood in the hallway looking around until I fell to the floor with weight on me and I screamed.

"I TOLD YOU ID KILL YOU PERRIEH!" Jade smiled and started tickling my sides sending me into a laughing fit. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. "JA-JADEY! STO- STOP!! I GIVE I GIVE!!! YOU WIN!!!" I was still laughing trying to get Jade off of me. She stopped for a minute and looked at me "Promise pez?" She asked her voice sounding breathless. I nodded my head "maybe..." She attacked me with tickles again. "OKAY OKAY YE-YES I GIVE!!" She smiled and got off me. I pouted and stayed on the ground crossing my arms "commeeee onnnnn perrrrrriiiiiieeee." I stayed there "Neva!" I giggled.

She sighed and grabbed my legs "okay then." She started dragging me down the hall and through the living room an into the kitchen. But making sure not to hurt me when dragging me down the carpeted stairs. "Now! Eat your damn pancakes perrie!" She laughed. I got up and grabbed a plate piling a couple pancakes on it when the door opened and a mop of big curls popped through the door with another bubbly girl behind her.

"LEIGHHHHH! JESY! EAT PANCAKES!!" Jade yelled and they chuckled walking over and sitting down on the two extra stools on either side of Jade and I. They grabbed a plate and dug in eating their pancakes. I looked up from my food and broke the silence, "So why'd you guys come up today?"

"We have a surprise photo shoot as Simon called it." Jesy told me, and Jade and I groaned. "Reeeeaaallly? This freaking sucks." I frowned and got up taking my plate to the sink and rinsing it off. Sitting back down at the table I heard a crack of lightening and saw Jade jump. I frowned a little and walked over to her putting my hand on her back.

"Jadey we should go get ready." I spoke as she nodded. We ran upstairs and changed leaving Jesy and Leigh-Anne down stairs. I decided to stay in what I had on because I didn't feel like changing. I waited until Jade had changed.

She came out of her room in a blue dress that stopped mid thigh and she was wearing her boots with a pair of white rolled once just above where the boot top ended. I smiled and walked over as another crash of lightening sounded as well as the lights flickering. Jade let out a little squeal and I frowned putting my arms around her and hugging her. "I love your outfit Jadey pooh." I smiled and she nodded mumbling a "thanks." And giving a little smile.

We walked down the stairs seeing Jesy and Leigh-Anne putting in a movie, "I thought we had a photo shoot?" Jade questioned and the two dumbfounded girls looked over. "Nope Simon canceled because were suppose to be getting a really bad storm. So we thought we'd watch a movie instead?" Jesy both answered and asked a question. Talk about a little ironic.

Jade and I nodded "yeah of course. What movie?" I questioned and out of no where you hear footsteps running into the kitchen and a high pitch Geordie accent yell "I GOT THE POPCORN BITCHES!" We all started laughing and pretty soon I couldn't breath because I was laughing so hard. Jade came back with indeed two bowls of popcorn.

Jesy and Leigh refused to tell us the name and we had to guess it ourselves. "THE LITTLE MERMAID!!"




"Nuh uh"



Jade and I sighed at the same time. "We give up tell us!!" Jade yelled and I chuckled plopping down on the love seat. Jesy and Leigh started laughing and rolled their eyes. "TANGLED!!! Duh!" I hear Jade giggle while walking in the room with her footsie pajamas on and a small purple blanket in her hands. She looked like a small child who had just woke up. It was absolutely adora-. It was not adorable she's your best friend perrie!!!

Besides! She's straight anyways dumbass. Even if she wasn't she wouldn't go for you anyways you're too ugly. I heard a voice say in the back of my head. I shook out of my chance and watched as Sulley was woken out of his sleep by mike calling him fat and making him exorcise.

But the question was... Was I really starting to develope feelings for Jade? Was I gay? What was happening?


So hai! This is my first time writing a Jerrie fan fic! First I like little mix but I'm not a humongous fan. I sorry if I get some stuff wrong. I don't know that much but ill be learning new things and listening to more of their songs.

Please don't give up on me? But if you do I understand!

I'm sorry if this is horrible. 🙊

If its not please let me know??

~My Everything~ ❤💙💜

Please comment?



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