Chapter 2 "Interviews in the America"

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"This Sally Ray and I'm here with the amazingly talented Sam Smith. How are you Sam?"

"I am really good thank you. Thanks so much for having me." "So we were wondering how you got do much emotion and feelings into your new song if you have never been in a relationship."

"Well I have experienced love, I know what it feels like to long for someone." I told them everything I could without spilling my secret completely but truthfully I hinted it more than I should have.

"So how are all the other interviews in other countries.  Are they more aggresive?"

"Well Australia is kinda harsh but other than that not really. I mean you can't really ask me anything that I haven't already put into my music."

The next day was miserable. I was so happy then my heart got broken.

I knew what I needed to do. I needed to find a lover for the night.

Yes I was going to have another one night stand.

I walk to the pub and sit down. I look around and see a tall man staring at me I smile and wave and he proceeds towards me.

"What is someone as cute as you doing in a pub like this?" "Looking for a night of fun." I responded in a sexy tone so he knew I meant business.

After a long conversation I took him back to my room. we began with small kisses here and there then it got hot. clothing was peeled off and whispers were exchanged.

It felt good to be loved even if it was only sex.

The next morning when I woke uo alone I was mortified. I was so lonely inside. The hours ticked by and I became more and more upset. I knew what I needed to do.

I need to write. I would write about how I wished he would have stayed long enough for us to comfort each other. He may not have liked it but I am hurting and I have never been good at a one night stand. 

I quickly decided on the name "Stay with me." As soon as I DoD the words began to poor.

Guess it's true I'm not good at a one night stand but I still need love cause I'm just a man. These nights never seem to go to plan, I don't want you to leave will you hold my hand.

Oh won't you stay with me, cause your all I need. This ain't love it's clear to see but darlin stay with me....

Mabye it will make the charts or mabye it won't but either way it felt good getting it all out. Who knows what will happen next.

Leave your lover (Sam Smith fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now