Chapter 1

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its true! im sorry if u want more chapters. elaine told me to post the entire thingy for like a week so that newbie fans can read it, but im not sure if/when imma do it. so, um... yeah.... benz's story's preview will be up soon



It was the second Friday after school had started, and the only echo in the hallway was the swift pace of my feet. My extremely heavy book bag was in one hand and tardy pass in the other. I went straight to my fifth period class, Social Studies, and opened the door. Walking up to my teacher, Mrs. Hedrickson, I handed her the small red piece of paper, and took my seat next to Jazalyn, my best friend.

Jazalyn was only called by the name Jazz. She was a little shorter than my five foot six with green eyes and a fierce spirit that matched her bright red hair that went down the her chin. Jazz was a really great person and someone who I could always count on.

"Where were you?" she whispered at me angrily.

"I had a dentist appointment and my car wasn't working. Nothing to worry yourself over, Jazz," I said, grinning.

"Konner was worried," she said emphasizing his name, making a face. I forced a smile. Konner was my overly clingy boyfriend. He worried about me too much, and when he did, he freaked out. Even if he didn't say it, it was always written all over his face and clear through his tone.

The hour passed with complete boredom. Jazz, as always, dozed off a little, like always.

"You can all pack up now. Have a nice weekend," Mrs. Hedrickson said a minute before the bell rang.

I stuffed my binder in my backpack, the sound of books banging into each other waking Jazz up.

"Wha'?" she said, lazily.

"You fell asleep again," I whispered.

"Oh, snap. Now my grade's going to go down for sure," she groaned. I laughed.

"Way to kick me when I'm down, Evelyn," she said.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just kinda funny once you think about it," I said. "It's the second week of school and you're already getting your grades lowered for not paying attention."

The ringing from the bell sang in my ears, and we rushed out the door, towards the lunch room.

"Hey, Eve," I heard a manly voice come from behind me.

I turned to see a tough man with curly hair that reminded me of the color of buttered toast falling to right above his eyebrows. He had green eyes and was very pleasing to the look at. He was about five foot ten.

"Hey, Konner," I said.

He came up to me and gave me a hug.

"Where were you this morning and second period? I was worried about you," he said.

"My car wouldn't start in the dentist office parking lot. So I was late," I said.

"Oh, okay," he said. "Have you sent in your application to Oak Wood yet?"

Oak Wood Academy was a boarding school in Canada that I've been dying to go to ever since I found out about its existence. When my parents sat me down and told me that I could send in an application, I immediately called Jazz and giggled with excitement for two hours.

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