Chapter Twenty

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  • Dedicated to to all my lovely readers. ♥

Chapter Twenty

Zayn’s POV

10 minutes ago:

Jenny and I were laughing about some inside jokes that we had about stuff we were talking about. Niall still hasn’t come back from getting the drinks and I was getting slightly jumpy about that, but maybe he was just letting me talk with Jenny just to be polite or maybe he was drinking his beverage inside…

Jenny then shouted over the music, “I’M GOING TO GET SOMETHING FROM MY ROOM? WANNA COME?”

“Um, yeah sure,” I shrugged.

Jenny and I walked over the crowd of people and we went in the house, the music wasn’t as loud, but it was still loud. I looked among all the people making out, drinking, yelling and laughing. None of the faces matched the one of my Niall… My eyebrows narrowed and I follow Jenny quietly biting my lip. Where was Niall?

Jenny and I were walking up the stairs and I miraculously heard a tiny voice coming from a room saying, “Zayn…Please….Help me…”

My eyes opened humongously, I swallowed the lump on my throat and took a deep breath and pushed everyone out of my way and tried to open the door, but it was bolted.

“Fuck!” I cussed.

“Hold on I think I have a key somewhere,” I heard Jenny say, I think she also heard Niall’s broken voice.

I pushed the door with the side of my arm, but it didn’t open, “Motherfucker,”

I backed away, got speed and pushed the door hard with the side of my arm and it opened. My head shook with the impact and my eyesight got blurry, but then I regained my sight and saw the scene before me.

My Niall was on the bed lying unconscious and a guy was on top of him practically ripping his clothes off…

I stomped behind the guy and grabbed him by the shoulders and took him off Niall. I pushed him down to the floor and got on top of him.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU ASSHOLE? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?” I roared at the man before me. I was practically fuming.

My fists were balling up and my jaw was clenching and unclenching.

“DO YOU FUCKING REALIZE WHAT YOU WERE ABOUT TO DO? ARE YOU STUPID?” I then took my clenched fist and punched him right in the jaw.

The guy tried to talk to me and probably tell me all this bullshit, but I then punched him hard in the other side of his jaw. I took the knee on the floor and kicked him in the side. My chest was rising and falling with anger. I wanted to kill him… I wanted to murder him; rip him to pieces. Nobody, nobody hurts my Niall. I punched the guy in the nose and I’m pretty sure it broke because let’s just say I heard a crack and he practically was moaning and groaning in pain…not that he wasn’t before anyways.

I heard Jenny say that she was calling the police and that they most likely were going to arrest this monster.

I smirked bitterly at the guy lying under me; I inched next to his bleeding nose so my breath full of anger was covering him. I looked into his evil brown eyes and I narrowed mine.

“You hear that?” I said bitterly, “You’re going to jail, how you feel?”

I got up from the man and dusted myself off. The guy lay there trying to catch his breath and trying to get up, which most likely will not be possible in his case. If he ever does get up he’ll be so sore, but I don’t feel bad for the guy, he was practically going to scar Niall for life.

I then sat in the bed where Jenny was looking at Niall worriedly.

“He’s not waking up, Zayn,” Jenny said shakily and biting her lip sadly.

“That asshole,” I spat looking at the man, “probably drugged him so he would sleep,”

I looked at Niall who looked a little too pale, and the normal rosiness that would cover his cheeks was now gone. He looked…dead… This wasn’t good for Niall nor me… I never want Niall to look like this ever again, it’s breaking my heart. He’s not even moving, he’s just lying there unconscious. How could someone be as disgusting as raping an unmoving figure? Just raping anyone for that fact is disgusting. Why would anyone be so heartless?

I lay in bed next to Niall and pushed his blonde locks off his forehead and kissed him softly, his skin was slightly cold so I placed a soft blanket on top of him to keep him warm. I sighed and looked sadly at Niall. What did he ever do to deserve this sort of thing? What if I didn’t hear him call for me? Who would’ve saved him? Would’ve anyone even heard him? I bit my lip and looked down, then I saw Jenny coming up with the officer and a paramedic.

“What seems to be the matter here?” The officer asked in a professional voice.

Jenny looked at me as if asking if I wanted to talk or her.

“This guy right here wanted to rape my boyfriend,” I informed the cop.

The officer crouched next to the man, “Is that right, sir?”

The man breathed out exasperatedly and annoyed, he then hesitantly agreed, “Yes, yes it’s true,”

“Alright then, you’re coming with us,” The officer then flipped the man on his back and hand-cuffed him, “Thank you for doing your city good,” The officer nodded at us and pushed the man out the room door.

I was surprised the officer didn’t ask anything about why the man looked so beaten, maybe he thought Niall was protecting himself…?

The paramedic then brought a flashlight and forcefully opened Niall’s eyes and turned to flashlight on and looked at both of his eyes.

“He seems to be unconscious,” The paramedic said informatively.

No, shit, I thought.

“He most likely will be awake tomorrow so there’s no need for going to the hospital. With the proper care of having lots of water and giving him some aspirin, he will be alright,” The paramedic smiled politely.

“Oh okay, thank you,” I shook his hand and the paramedic left.

Jenny watched the paramedic leave and she leaned next to the doorway, “Man, I’m never having a party again, and if I am, I’m locking all the rooms,”

I shook my head, “I’m never leaving my little Niall’s side ever if I ever come to a party,” I kissed Niall’s cold cheek softly and lovingly.

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A/N: Sorry, this chapter is so short and sucky don't blame me for writing it at 3am.... So, yes, yes... Zayn does save the day :D 4 for you, Zayn Malik! You go, Zayn Malik! I was doubting whether to have Zayn save the day but then I was like oh shit if I don't then I have to write a whole nother thing about how Niall gets over being raped so I was like, bleh go Zayn be a super hero like you always are. So, Zayn saves the day with a little help from his side-kick Jennifer. :) Hip hip hooray! :D Btw, I read all the lovely comments on the last chapter you guys are freaking hilarious and so nice. ♥ Can I hug you all? :') First a hug for each and now come 'ere group hug everyone. ♥ YAY! :) What else was I going to say um... oh yeah, I don't know how to write fighting scenes because well I only played UFC on the xbox like 4 times so I'm no good at these type of things ya know what I mean also if you don't like the cuss words my deepest apologies! Okay I was going to rant about Teen Wofl but I didn't because sleep. So, good night or good morning or good afternoon or evening or whatever. Thanks for liking, reading, commenting and/or fanning I love you all. ♥ Till next time :)

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