Fun with Kyo

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Kyo looks at you after Yuki left. You see that his face has a tint of red to it.

"Well this is awkward." He rubs the nape of his neck blushing. You smile.

"Not really. So. You're the Cat. Nice to meet you." You hug him and he turns into the cat.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT______?" You giggle and you hold him close. You start patting his soft fur. He purrs.

"Because you're adorable." After a few minutes of you patting him, he turns back into a human....... WITH NO CLOTHES ON. You quickly turn around after seeing things you shouldn't have seen.

"I forgot about that part." You say blushing. Kyo chuckles.

"Well don't hug me and you won't see anything." Then, Tohru runs in.

"Is everyone okay?! What was the yelling for?" Tohru yells at us. Kyo blushes.

"We are fine." Tohru nods her head and she walks away. Kyo turns to look at you.

"So.. Where are you from?" You frown.

"I don't know to be honest. I barely remember anything. I don't remember friends, family, where I live, what I did. I don't remember." He places a hand on your head.

"I know how you feel. My mom killed herself when I was young and my dad was abusive. He blames me for my moms death. But later I found out it was because she felt like she wasn't doing good enough and dad would yell at her. She ended up being hit by a train.... I met Tohru's mom and I watched her die. I ran off for 4 months. Then I came back, blaming that Yuki for everything. I thought blaming him would help this. I've been doing it since I was a kid. Of course I still hate him but I thought it would be better to blame him so I hated him more. I... have always wanted to be him." Wow. You never thought Kyo would open up to you.

"I'm sorry but I got to do this." You hug him again, tears pouring down your face. He turns into a cat and rests his head on your chest. You can hear light sobbing coming from the kitty. FInally he turns into a human again. This time you can't see anything but it is still weird hugging a naked guy.

"Umm Kyo.... You should put clothes on." He looks at your now super red face. He laughs.

"Aww you're blushing." Then he whispers in your ear.

"I am starting to think you are purposely hugging me." He goes really close to your face. He presses his lips against yours. You feel the warmth from his lips.

"Kyo! ______! We have to go shopping!" you look at Kyo confused after he pulls away from you.

"What.. is... shopping?" He shakes his head and gets dressed.

"You will find out."

This is my first story that isn't a short story! I hope you are enjoying it so far and please give me comments so I can Improve!

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