I'm............ CURSED????

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Hello my anime lovers! Before I start, I want to give a big thank you to @Cloudheart16 for the idea of this chapter!!!!!! Here you go! By the way, I will try to update once a week because I have to return the school computer tomorrow!

(y/n)'s P.O.V

I woke up today with Kagura pouring something bitter in my mouth. When she notices I am awake, she covers my mouth, making me swallow the nasty liquid.

"What the hell was that Kagura?!" She smirks. 

"Now you are one of us! Good luck with our curse!" She runs away. I get really sick and I get smaller. I look into the mirror, but instead of seeing me, I see a cute little fox. I smile.

"A cute little fox........ wait........ KYO!!" I yell for Kyo. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and barges into our room. He looks at me and smiles.

"Awe. Did (y/n) get a pet?" He picks me up, petting me. He looks around the room. "(y/n)! I heard you scream! Where are you?" I pawed at his nose.

"Look down." He looks at me.

Kyo's P.O.V

"Look down." I look at the cute little fox.

"(y-y/n)? What the hell? You are one of us and you didn't tell me?" The fox shakes her head.

"Kyo...... If I was always your family, you wouldn't have turned into a cat when I hug you." I can tell she is glaring at me.

"What happened then?"

"Kagura put a potion in my mouth. Probably got it from Hatori." I smile and I pet her head.

"You are super cute. Haha so helpless." She growls.

"Put me down." I ignore her and I bring her downstairs.

(y/n)'s P.O.V

Kyo completely ignored me! Oh well. I'll get him back when he turns into a cat. He brings me downstairs and shows everyone else.

"Here is (y/n)!" Everyone surrounds me and Tohru smiles, taking me out of Kyo's hands.

"Awe! She is cute! Is this how you are finally going to ask (y/n) out? By getting her a fox named after her? That is so cute! Now I know why you were excited for today!" I look up at her then at Kyo. His face was bright red.

"Is that so?" I say, scaring Tohru so much that she accidently drops me. Thank god a couch was below me. 

"I'm so sorry (y/n)!! What is this though??" After Kyo explains it, Tohru calms down. Shigure comes up to me.

"Now since you are cursed, now the only times you can transform is when you are under a lot of stress, sickness, or if someone who is not part of the curse hugs you. By the way, you should hide before you transform back." Shigure says. I quickly jump off the couch and run upstairs. My bedroom door is shut.

"KYO I NEED HELP!" He runs up the stairs, opening my door for me. Right when I walked in, I transformed. I slam the door shut before Kyo can see anything. I quickly got dressed.

Does that mean my kid is going to come out cursed too? I hold my stomach. What if the curse breaks after the pregnancy? Will I be able to hold my child? I shake my head. Don't think bad (y/n). We will be fine............................................................................... will we?

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