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"Wow! It is so pretty!" You walk into a store. Anime and Cats everywhere. one section has red walls, maroon colored floor, and it is full of anime and Manga. Another section has blue walls, and a navy blue floor. It has kittens waiting to be adopted. The rest of the store has green walls and a lime green floor. That has food and supplies in it.

"I've never been in a place like this!" Tohru takes your hand.

"Let's go shopping!" She yells. You smile. For some reason, she reminds you of someone. You just don't know who. you shake your head and you follow Tohru into the food area. She throws in food after food into the cart. 

"Is this necessary? This seems like too much for our household." Tohru giggles.

"We got a surprise for you ____________!" You wonder if you should be scared or not.

"What is it?"

"You will find out!" You guys finish your shopping and you're about to head home when you stop in the doorway of the store.

"________, what's wrong?" Kyo asks, looking worried.

"I forgot something. Wait here." You run back inside. It was 10 minutes. You haven't came out yet. Kyo got really worried and was about to run inside when you came out. You are holding 2 boxes. One really big, the other was small. The big one was orange. It had cute cat decorations on it. The small one was gray and had mouse decorations on it. They both have holes throughout the boxes. 

"What are in those?" Yuki asks you. 

"It is a surprise. Kyo... can you please hold the orange one?" Kyo twitches.

"There is no way in hell I......." He stops and sighs.

"Okay. Fine" He takes the box. You all start walking home.

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