Who all is going?

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So there's a thing happening on October 13th for yuri on ice. It's at local theatres and IM SO EXITED!

I'm going with my friend Kat to a cinemark and GUESS WHAT IT IS?!

So, the yuri on ice event is...

They're gonna play the while season of yuri on ice BACK TO BACK no stops AND THEN they're gonna play the movie with extra bonus features! I'm so happy! AAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

So look around you to see the theatres that it'll play for you if you wanna go! And when! Maybe I'll see you if you live by me!

I live in~ yeah sorry that's not happening. I dont need people coming to find me... NOPE..... I got my friends and my girlfriend and that's all who needs to know where I live.... SORRY!
Not sorry....


I'm so excited and theres gonna be merch and OFFICIAL ARE AHHHHHH


Ok, ill go make another chapter full of pictures now.....

I'm done with my rant....



I'm so sorry if I spelled that wrong I dont speak Russian...

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