Chapter 1

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I grew up in a world of heroes. People with magnificent quirks, or also know as power abilities.Each unique to every individual. Things weren't the same, in every street there was battles between heroes and villains. All fighting with their special abilities.

I however didn't have a quirk. Nothing to make me powerful or unique, I was just ordinary.

I had grown up looking up to All Might. One of the worlds most powerful heroes. I admired him as a child and had posters all over my walls. There was something about the way he fought battles and kicked ass that was so amazing. He was strong, powerful, and admired by everyone.

He fought with a smile. Always a smile across his face, that to some people it resembled Hope.

That's all I wanted. For people to look at me the same way as they did to All Might. I wanted to be strong and brave. I wanted to make people feel hope when they saw my smile. I wanted to protect people. I wanted to be....someone or something because in reality I felt like I was nothing.

The only person to love me unconditionally was my mother. To everyone else I was nothing , technically invisible to every person who saw my face.

Except to Kacchan. To him I was a weak quirk less kid who needed to be thought a lesson. He was cruel to me and always found ways to make me feel like shit.

Kacchan was too proud of himself. He had a powerful quirk, the quirk of explosion. We were friends as kids but that soon changed when his quirk started to kick in. To be honest I used to admire him. He was powerful and wasn't afraid of anything. He was willing to do almost anything just to prove himself worthy. Maybe I had it wrong all along, maybe he was insecure. Maybe he tried so hard because he scared of looking like a fool or weak.

Either way that didn't stop him from treating me like shit. He called me Deku and I guess it stuck. My real name is actually Izuku Midoriya.

We went to the same school. We we're both applying for U.A. High school. One of the best hero schools in the world. Only the best got in.

I was on my way to school with my head down like I usually did, I hated making eye contact with anyone, When someone stepped in my way. It was Kacchan, with his spiky blonde hair and malicious smile. He gave me a look that made chills go up my spine. This wasn't going to end good for me. Even if I tried walking away I knew that'd only make the situation worse.

"Where do you think your going Deku"
I stood there for a moment trying to think the easiest way to get out of this.
I started to shake slightly. I had developed some type of anxiety ever since my last encounter with Kacchan.
"J-just g-going to school k-kacchan"
My voice was shaky and sounded like a whisper .
I stood silent. I thought for a moment then remembered why I was so shaky. The last time we spoke Kacchan had thrown a punch at me for walking close behind him. He hated my guts and preferred that I stood farthest from him as possible.
"Oh I'm s-sorry Kacchan"

He threw a powerful punch at me. I fell to the floor. My whole chest was aching with pain. There was still smoke coming from Kacchan's hand from where he'd used his quirk to punch me.

I was on the floor holding back any sound out of my mouth. My eyes started to fill up with water but I held my tears back.


He walked away and left me on the floor. When I heard his footsteps fade away I finally let myself cry. The pain was so unbearable. He really had done it this time. The punch he had thrown the time before hadn't been half as bad. He had a powerful quirk and he knew it. One punch like that was enough to break my rib, maybe he had this time.

My head had hit the floor when I fell which made it only more painful. As I tried to get up I suddenly felt dizzy. I couldn't see with tears in my eyes. Everything was spinning and I was still hurting from the punch. I had a pounding migraine.

I was finally able to stand up. I couldn't walk. I kept stumbling around and tripping over my own feet. I ended up on the floor again and this time I didn't have the strength to get up. To make matters worse it started to rain. Not only that but I was very late to school. Maybe I wouldn't even make it today.

I was able to sit up against the wall of a alley. There wasn't anyone around except a trash can sitting besides me. I just sat there as water rain poured down on me. My uniform was soaked and my hair was too.

How had this day turned out so bad?
I was angry at kacchan. Always giving me shit for what? Being quirk less?
Was it because I was weak?
Was it because I was nothing?
That word stayed in head.
Nothing. I'm nothing.
I don't matter to anyone.
People only see me as a waste of space.
Why would anyone ever care about me anyway?
What did I have to offer to the world?
It didn't matter how smart I was or how hard I worked. Without a quirk I'd never become a hero.

Even kacchan had said it. He said it so many times that I finally believed it
"Just give up Deku. You'll never be a hero."

There wasn't any point in trying anymore. Whatever hope and desire I had in becoming a hero was now gone.

"I'll never be a hero" I said letting the words come out of my mouth. This time really meaning it.

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