Wait For the Tone You Know What to Do

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Brantley's POV

"Dammit Scarlett," I growled into my phone throwing the hammer that was in my hand on the ground in frustration. It had been two weeks since I walked back on my bus finding her gone. Since then I'd been sent to voicemail on both her personal and work phone. Tried to drop by her house in Nashville only to find her out of town. Scared the shit out of Anna and two of their interns when I stomped into her office wanting to know where she was. I don't know what sent her running but I couldn't find out if she wouldn't talk to me.

Of course, I just had to be crazy about the one woman in my life that was decidedly more stubborn than I was. But that was part of the attraction. She didn't take my shit and damn did she give it back to me in droves. Why we worked well together. I may not always like some of the things she suggested but I knew she had her reasons for it and it wouldn't totally be opposite of being me. "You better call me back! Don't think I won't show up on the road. I'll call Miranda! Can't hide behind her or Morgan forever. I told you we needed to talk so dammit we are gonna talk!"

I ended the call kicking the fence post I was fixing in front of me with my boot letting out a growl. I'd been out at the farm in Bama working for the last week to work off some frustrations. I was about to put my phone in my pocket when it buzzed. I jerked it up then narrowed my eyes seeing it was a text message.

Scar: Call me one more fucking time and I swear that I will get on your Twitter announcing you are gay! I'll set up a publicity date with the skankiest dumb blonde actress I can find! Mean it's not much of a stretch you've been down that road before! Get the hint I don't want to talk to you BG! You're on a break. Enjoy it!

I let out a roar throwing my phone in the front seat of the Polaris parked near me before kicking a tire. To tell him with twitchy palms right now. The stubborn woman was asking for me to strangle her. Guess I could fire her. That would get her fucking attention.

"Stubborn, bossy, bitchy ass!" I yelled glaring at my phone like she could hear me as I paced. "Ohhhh you just wait woman...."

"What have you done to Scarlett now?" I heard asked behind me. I whirled around to see my dad standing there with a smirk on his face. I glared at him flipping him off as he walked closer then threw my hands up.

"Why the hell does everyone always assume I did something?" I yelled yanking my hat off kicking it. "She...she..just....aghhhhhhhh!!"

"Let me guess," Dad said a snicker leaning his frame against the side by side with a grin. "Can't decide whether to kiss her or strangle her." I sighed nodding my head leaning down to pick up my hat dusting it off. "You let that one walk away son. She's a once in a lifetime find. Why do you think you asked her to take you on when Rich retired?"

"Because she knows me," I answered truthfully. Then sighed getting what he was meaning. "Because maybe on some level I knew I had messed up choosing Amber over her. It's a way she is still very relevant in my life. That's why I am so pissed. Told her I wanted to talk to her. I got pulled away after the show and when I walked back on the bus she was gone. Headed to the airport and I haven't been able to pin her down since. I've been by the office, her house in Nashville and I would force my way backstage at a show if I wasn't so sure that Miranda would shoot me on sight."

"When do you see her again?" he asked, and I could see the wheels turning in his mind. "I mean she does work for you right?"

"You know you old fart," I said with a laugh at the wicked gleam in his eye. "I think you just may be on to something. There is another festival in a couple weeks. Guess I could give her no choice but to show her face."

"Knew you could be inventive son. Just finally man up and tell the girl how you feel," Dad chuckled pointing at the fence I had been messing with that a couple of bucks had broken through. "Want some help with this?"

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