Bully- Megan's POV

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Megan's POV

I live in a worst orphanage ever. If you do the slightest thing bad you get whipped. My twin, Amber, and I get whipped a lot because Jennifer is always on the good side of everyone. We get in trouble a lot because I make things that the owners can't explain. Amber gets into trouble because she tries to protect me. Amber is the sweetest twin I can ask for. We both started watching Jack and Mark ever since they started YouTube.

I was backed into a wall with my nemesis pinning me there with Amber nowhere to be seen. 

I need to get to Amber, I thought, I have to protect her.

"--Hello? Are you even listening?" Jennifer asked.

"No," I said calmly.

She growled and punched me. She got me in the eye and it did hurt but this happened practically everyday so it doesn't bother me as much.

"You never be adopted! You and your stupid twin are freaks! No one wants freaks like you!" She spat at me.

I wiped away the spit and clenched my fists but managed to keep my voice even, "Then why are you still here?"

She can insult me but not my twin. 

She kicked me in my gut and I clenched my stomach but managed to stand straight up. I will not let this bitch see my pain. Then she repeatedly kept switching between punching me in the face and kicking me in the gut until she got bored. 

She walked away and I slunked down. I started coughing up blood as usual but it stopped after a few minutes and I got up. I walked back into the building, surely I'll get into trouble for staying out too long. I looked around and people looked at me like I did nothing wrong. What did Amber have to give this time?

I walked into my room, Amber was nowhere to be seen. I quickly changed and put on some makeup to help cover up the bruises. Amber doesn't know that I get bullied. I got onto the computer that we both shared and started watching Jacksepticeye while finishing up on Sam.

*Time Skip brought to you by Sam*

I finished Sam and turned him on. He woke up and he had that look that all my new creations get, that look of innocence. You have no idea how beautiful it looks when you teach your creations new things.

"Hello, you're my creator, right?" The little Sam bot said.

I nodded, "I'm Megan and your full name is Septic Eye Sam but I call you Sam. Can you try to fly for me?"

"Yeah!" He flew around me.

I smiled, "Sam, go right."

He did so.

"Go left."

He did so.


He moved up.


He moved down.


He faced east.


He faced west.


He faced south.


He faced north.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Septic Sam but you can call me Sam," Sam replied.

"Sam, scan me."

He scanned me, "You are Megan Louis. You live in Sunshine Orphanage with your twin sister Amber. You are a 5' 3" female. Your birthday is February 7th, 2004. You are 14 years old. Your face and gut has small damages but it is recommended to rest and to drink lots of water."

I smiled wider, "Your test is complete but I have to tell you something."

His eye was filled with curiosity, "What is it?"

"I'm not your permanent owner, you might meet your true owner someday," I looked down.

I have been building him for over a year and thinking that someday I'll have to give him up breaks my heart. I heard a knock on the door.

"Sam, turn off."

He did my command and I caught him. I quickly shoved him into my backpack. Amber skipped into the room.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked.

"Because we'll meet Jacksepticeye and Markiplier!!!" She said and showed the tickets.

My eyes widened, "How?"

"Mrs. Damison said that since we're being good, that we can go! Hurry and pack! We leave tomorrow!" Amber said jumping up and down.

"Is any of the adults going?"

"Nope!" She said happily.

I smiled and started packing. Sam, you'll be able to meet your true owner soon enough.

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