•The Group Chat 2018 • The End•

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Unidentified - 22nd of February 12:41 am









Just kidding

Unidentified - 22nd of February 12:41 am

Chocolate is terrible

It makes a good condom flavour tho

J - 22nd of February 12:49 am

Poor izi

Die faster

Then I can mourn you

C - 22nd of February 12:50 am


She feels lightheaded that's how hard she was laughing

Wait let me just edit that

She feels lightheaded that's how hard she was.....

J - 22nd of February 12:53 am

Oh my god C stop

This is it. This is the end of the book. The Levi's Lovely's is officially dead. It's really sad because those were good times. Everything has to come to an end at some point. 

I want to thank everyone in this book for allowing me to embarrass them on the internet. I hope this makes us all laugh and probably cringe in the future as we look back at our 2016, 2017 and 2018 selves. Thank you for all the content and for being your amazing, crazy selves.

(Coming back to this in 2019, I can confirm I cringed a bit. Miss this group chat so much ;-; )

Signed, LetterByLetter

5th of October, 2018

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