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Hey... {400 words}
I should probably apologise for everything... It's been a rough time Scinse I last updated you all... I went to the beach with her and I told her how I felt about her and she didn't like me back... I kept talking to her for two or so days... I was talking to my cousin about this and she told me
'she is using you as her toy' I ended up asking jess{her} if she takes me for granted, it was a no she didn't take me for granted. Then I said....

Okay, Jess like I really like you and I’ve liked you for a really long time but I feel like you don’t appreciate me because we’ve done so many things together and you still say you don’t like me ? - if you don’t then we should just be friends because I’m done with just waiting until it’s convenient for you because relationships are supposed to me 50/50 and right now it’s not fair on me 🤷🏻‍♀

She then said:

You know it hurts me and you just carry on when I try so hard. And I really don't want to go this again

I respond with

You say you try so hard but I’ve told you like plenty times how much I like you and you just say you don’t like me ? And your friend is  telling me Im annoy you so I just don’t get it. And also normally when you like a person you show them you don’t keep them in-suspense like your doing to me...
Also what did I do on the trip for u to stop liking me? And what hurts u What did I do to hurt u

She said

You have never done anything to stop me from liking you. You are a very special friend to me, you have never hurt me and I don't know why you say that?
Please stop fighting with me.

I ended up going to sleep at this point so the next day at 6am I replied

If I’m so special to you and you say you like me then why have you never told me until now?

This was on the 9th and 10th of October

I've been trying to forget about her and loose feelings for her...
This has been killing me mentally...
Hope you all have a good day evening or afternoon...

My Rant Of Grade 8Where stories live. Discover now