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Hi again its been some time... But I still want to write on wattpad... So basically In the past phew weeks I've been feeling down but I'm trying to get through it... I hide my feelings behind my smile... Yesterday I got my mark for programming and I got 100% right now I finished my afrikaans test and I actually felt like I did well this time... I've been trying to build up enough courage to talk to her about everything that has happened... But yeah... It looks like she likes a kid ill just call him Fred... But it looks like she likes Fred... I honestly want to give up so badly but this is the girl I have liked the most, and I hate her but i love her and want her......
I miss her when I can't sleep...
I still have sand in my jacket from the beach....
I've been thinking of going silent... By that I mean not talking to anyone but my close friends... And my family... But I don't know if I should...

I have a old friend called Tommy and he thinks I like a girl in his class so when he addresses me  he calls me Michael cootsee, it makes me laugh. Yeah that girl is cute but it doesn't bother me that he calls me that...

I seem to have a birst blood vesil on my chest and its painful along with my rib and my arm... I rock climb right and basically yesterday was interhouse and i Was climbing and I got 26 secconds but then I tried again and I fell... The rope cought me but I grazed my knee and hand... I ended up getting 36 secconds... I may re-do this year If I can't get my LO{Life Oriantation} marks up...
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this and I hope you all are well feel free to DM me this is my Instagram Michael_coates_2004

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