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Third person POVJack didn't want to be at the party, but Cleo was going so he had to go to

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Third person POV
Jack didn't want to be at the party, but Cleo was going so he had to go to.

Why am I trying to hard? He asked himself. Pretending to like Cleo was hard enough, but then having to do all the thing couples did was a whole other thing.

The thing was that Jack was gay. He didn't find girls at all interesting other that having them as friends. He found them too clingy and emotional. Not that Cleo was, but her friends were. Always asking him why he didn't spend enough time with her.

Wasn't being at school and sometimes going out with her enough? He thought so.

They sat on a couch. A cup of whatever blended alcohol in their hands. The silence between them was awkward. Cleo could tell there was something different with Jack. He wasn't as enthusiastic about there relationship as he was before.

She didn't know that he was gay and only pretending to be with her, so he could avoid the antagonizing. Which wasn't really fair to her, but hey, they are her brothers.

But Cleo loved Jack. He was her first boyfriend, the only one who gave her a chance despite knowing who she was related to.

It's just that the feeling wasn't mutual on the other end.

They drank from their cups. The music pulsed around them, people yelling to be heard over it, and obnoxious drunk laughter.

"Hey." Cleo was in his ear, also trying to be heard. "You wanna go somewhere quiet?"

He stared at her, contemplating on whether or not he should. Go somewhere quiet? He heard that many times in movies, that usually meant want to go to a dark room and make out or possibly have sex.

Yeah he wasn't up for that. But then he noticed someone it the oncoming crowd. Brown hair, brown eyes, and rosy cheeks. Non other that Zachary Dean Herron Himself.

Jack panicked. He didn't know that Zach was gonna be here, he usually doesn't show to parties. Jack guess today was an exception.

His head moved like he was looking for someone. His friend Daniel, Jack thought, poked his arm and motioned to the kitchen, where the keg was. Jack took this as an opportunity to grab onto Cleo's wrists and pulled her up the stairs and to an empty room.

Cleo stared at him from the bed, confused.

"What you want to be where it was quieter, right?"

It was defiantly more quiet here. Cleo nodded, draining  what was left in the cup. She then stood up quickly and had Jack pinned against the wall.

He knew what was coming. He had done it a couple times Himself to prove that he was straight, though he's really not.

But they weren't in front of people so why should he try to fake it?

He stopped Cleo. This obviously confused her more. She backed away, frowning. "What's wrong with you Jack? You haven't been the same all week."

He sucked in a deep breath, collecting his thoughts, before they got tangled in his brain. He let the breath out. "I don't want to do this anymore."

Cleo stood there for a good minute until, "excuse me? What did you say?"

"I said I don't want to do this anymore." He gained more confidence. "I'm tired of lying to you. To people. You deserve someone other that me."

Tears were quick to come to the girl's eyes. "What? Jack you're the one I deserve. I love you Jack, no one else."

The boy shakes his head. "You don't understand. I'm not good enough for you. I never will be."

"Why-how could you...say this?"

"Because I'm gay."

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