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He didn't do anything but stare at me, my cheeks once again burning

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He didn't do anything but stare at me, my cheeks once again burning.

And they burned harder when I realized something. Jack's gay. And I stood in a dark room with him, all by myself.

"Zach?" He finally said.

"Yeah." I answered in a whisper.

"How can you be so honest about yourself?"

The question took me by surprise. "What?"

"Yeah, like you weren't afraid to tell people that your gay."

"Oh. I was afraid. You don't understand how afraid I was, thinking about coming out. I knew I was gonna get picked on, but I got through it with the help of my friends."

"That's it. That's all I need. Friends."

"But you have friends. The basketball team."

Jack scoffed. "All those were jerks. They won't accept me."

"Maybe you should make new friends."

"It's not that easy. No one would want to be my friend after I lied to them."

I looked down biting my lip. Would the boys agree to this? "You could hang out with me and my friends." I looked up to see his reaction.

He stared at me again, then leaned in. "But you don't want to be just friends." His hands were on either side of my head. "You want more than that don't you." I gulped, my nerves going haywire. "It's fine I don't mind." I could here the smirk in his voice.

He was so close, our lips mere inches away from each other. "Jack..." I pleaded. He chuckles and takes the space away.

His lips were soft and tantalizing. I couldn't get enough of them. The kiss started slow, but non of us could take the pace. His lips soon moved to my neck, my fingers is his curly hair. He kept sucking on one particular spot on my neck, be soft skin where my throat and shoulder meets.

I moaned when he pulled away, smirking again. "You're mine now." And with that he walked out. My body, yearned for his heat, his closeness.

I stayed there, panting, smiling like an idiot. Then Corbyn had to come and ruin it. He pulled me out of the room, yelling that the cops were here. "They're taking names we have to go."

We ran down the stairs, out the back door, not stopping even when the cops yelled for us to do so.

We got into Corbyn's car, which was a block away, and zoomed out of there.

I laughed sitting back in my seat, trying to catch my breath.

"Why the fuck are you laughing? We almost got caught." Corbyn said. He swerved to the right, though there was no reason to.

"You're drunk, let me drive."

"No." He gripped the wheel harder.

"Come on Bean. If I let you continue to drive, we will get caught."

He continued driving, then groaned and pulled over. "I hate when you're right."

We switched spots. He curled up in the passenger seat, his forehead against the cold window. "You never told me why you were laughing."

I thought about telling Corbyn why I was so happy. I tell Corbyn everything and he doesn't judge me for it. But just as I was about to tell him, he fell asleep. That's fine, I didn't want to tell you anyway. I got to his house and parked the car.

I text mom and tell her that I was gonna sleep over at Corbyn's and that I'll be home tomorrow. She said it was okay.

Getting Corbyn out of the car was the easy part, but getting him up the stairs and into his room, while trying to be quiet, was hard. He kept bumping into things.

He even woke up his sister, Ashley. "Corbyn is that you?" She asked in a sleepy tone.

"Yeah and Zach." I answered.

"Oh high Zach." She came over to help me. "Is he drunk again?"

"Yeah he thought it would help make talking to Christina easier."

"Oh." We set him on his bed, pulling the comforter over him. "Are you staying the night?"

"Yeah. But I'm leaving in the morning."

"Alright." She nodded and went to the door. "Well goodnight Zach."

"Good night Ash." She closed the door. I sighed and climbed into his bed. He didn't have a problem with me laying with him, as long as I didn't do some Gay shit. I didn't take it offensive, I understood Corbyn. Plus I didn't think of Corbyn that way either.

I stayed on my side, wide awake, thinking about Jack and our make out. The hickey he no doubt left on my neck, pulses from the memory.

"You're mine now."

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