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I woke up later than I wanted to, the next day

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I woke up later than I wanted to, the next day. Everyone was up already, even Corbyn, who was probably suffering from a major headache.

They asked me if I wanted to join them ongoing to the mall. I said no thank you that I would probably be doing something with my family. It wasn't a lie, we were always doing something.

And then I realized that I hadn't brought my own car. So I asked them for a ride. They dropped me off, my house was along the way.

I took out the key from my back pocket, surprised that it made its way through the whole night. Mom, dad, Reese, and Ryan were at the table eating breakfast.

"Hey honey did the Besson's drop you off?"

"Yeah they were on their way to the mall."

"Good. Well we're gonna go to the park, you wanna come?"

"Yeah just let me shower and change."

I did just that, throwing on what ever I found in my closet. A Gucci shirt, light blue ripped jeans, and my Adidas. I did my hair the same way I had on the first day of school and went downstairs for some cereal. My family was waiting in the living room watching Disney Channel with Reese.

When I finished washing my dishes we piled into the car and drove to the park that was two miles away. We could have walked but Reese didn't want to be late to her friends party. Ryan was smart, he brought his skateboard. All I brought was my phone and it was already almost dead.

We got out of the car and Reese ran off to the playground. I sigh and walk off to the basketball court, which was a bad idea since half the basketball team was there. No surprise, Jack wasn't one of them.

I turned on my heel and went to the swings, the boys laughing at me. The swings was also a bad idea because Cleo was there.

Who wasn't here? I continued walking, thinking that a pissed and hurt Cleo was better than stupid jocks.

I sat on the swing next to her, she looked up pain deep in her eyes.

"Hey." I greeted.

"What do you want?" She sneered.

"I came to apologize."

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong. Unless you did make Jack gay."

"That doesn't even make sense."

"I know. My brothers are idiots. I know it's not you're fault that Jack broke up with me."

"So you're not mad at me?"

"No, I'm not." She sighed. "I'm sorry about my brothers, they're dicks. I'm also sorry for not telling them anything."

"It's fine. I'm sorry about you and Jack. To be honest you guys were cute together."

"I wish her thought so." She looked down at her sneakers. "What are you doing at the park?"

"My sister wanted to come to her friends party." I jabbed a thumb over my shoulder.

She looked up at the party behind us and turned to me. Her eyes widened with shock. "What is that?"

"What?" I looked down at myself, searching for something wrong. She poked, my neck. I winced. "Ow."

"Sorry, is that a bruise?" I realized what she was talking about. The hickey that Jack had gave me last night. The one he gave me after breaking up with Cleo. "Or did Logan do that?"

"Uh..." how could I have responded to that. I didn't want to lie to her, but I also didn't want her to hate me. Oh well. "Yeah. He did."

She frowns. "I really am sorry for not stopping them."

I nodded. "Yeah but you're not the one who has to apologize."

Cleo nodded. "Well I have to go. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

She'll see me at school tomorrow. With Jack. Shit.

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