Part 2

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Across the street, still tucked inside the cafe, Akechi absentmindedly stirred his mug of coffee. Joker had not returned from wherever he had run off to, so he remained sitting for over an hour before finally leaving the cafe. He paid for his and Joker's lunch, brushed the wrinkles out of his jacket, and started the walk home. With his hands in his pockets, he stared up at the sky. Why had Joker run from him? He could not help but wonder. His heart lurched in his chest painfully. What started off as a wonderful day with Joker had quickly turned into him, alone, as usual.

A thought crossed Akechi's mind, but he pushed it away as fast as he could. Could Joker have...? No, that's not possible. Those two were just friends--but then why--

His inner musings were interrupted when he walked straight into somebody. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry," he began to say with an apologetic smile, before realizing...

It was Yusuke. Mothafuckin. Kitagawa.

Kitagawa looked down at him coolly

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Kitagawa looked down at him coolly. He was at least two inches taller. "Can I help you?" he said.

"Where were you just now?" Akechi blurted out. He realized he was flushed with unexpected suspicion.

Kitagawa was taken aback. He cocked one eyebrow, saying, "I did not realize that was any of your business." He did not allow his face to betray a single emotion, other than boredom at the conversation. He longed to return to Joker, who had slipped down the alleyway only minutes before.

"Excuse my manners," Akechi said slowly, "but as an ace detective, I make it my business to know the location of people who are friends with Joker." He smiled playfully.

"I was admiring the flowers in the park," Yusuke remarked idly. "Does that quite satisfy you?" He was quite bored of the conversation, and more than a little surprised at Akechi's boldness.

"Yes, it does," Akechi replied. Without another word, he turned around and went back the way he came. He knew, of course, that Yusuke was lying. He did not look at the flowers in the afternoon, because the sun tended to wilt their petals after midday. Akechi knew for a fact he visited the park every morning, when the dew drops were still resting on each flower.

He also knew that Joker would not have abandoned him without reason, without the draw of a more interesting attraction, a taller figure, a romantic type...

Akechi shook the thought from his head. Even if Joker were seeing someone, it was not his business. Joker was free to do whatever he liked, see whoever he wished. It was painful, but true. Still, he lowered his head as he trudged home, moving every rock in his way with a pathetic toe nudge. It was too painful to dwell on.

Meanwhile, Joker was on the way to his own home, having thoroughly satisfied himself by seeing two of his favorite people in one afternoon. He smiled when he thought of how shy Yusuke had been in the alley. It was only too easy to play with his emotions. He didn't do it out of spite, but rather knew that Yusuke deserved to be toyed with every once in awhile, and even enjoyed it. He smiled at a crimson leaf on the ground, almost the exact shade Yusuke's face had turned. It reminded him of something else too, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. A leaf? Relief? Leave? What did he leave? Who did he-

Joker stopped in his tracks. He had completely abandoned Akechi at the Ramen Bowl. The poor boy was probably still sitting at the table, waiting pitifully for Joker to return. "Shit!" Joker said. "I'm an absolute idiot. How could I-" He took off running back towards the restaurant, praying Akechi was still there, and somehow didn't notice, or would somehow forgive him...

After what felt like an eternity, Joker reached the restaurant and flung back the entrance curtains. His eyes fell on the empty table immediately. He didn't notice the shocked diners staring at him in confusion and curiosity. He only had eyes for the empty chair where Akechi should have been. "Damn it all," he whispered.

"Can I help you?" A voice called out to him. Joker turned to look at the hostess, who was ogling him nervously.

"No," Joker said brusquely. Brushing an unfallen tear from his eye, he spun around and went out the way he had come.


Weeks went by and Akechi tried his best to ignore Joker. He was done. He could not bear it any longer. He sat there in line waiting for his cup of coffee. His mind drifted. "I deserve more than someone who would so easily blow me off for an idiot artist who had no taste and NO CHARM AND WHO IS COMPLETELY...."

Akechi took a deep breath.

"Calm down, I don't care anymore, I'm done.... I'm done..." he thought to himself.

The barista asked for his order. Since he was already worked up, Akechi decided on a tea instead. He grabbed his cup and turned around, when he noticed a blonde blur through the window. Stepping outside he quickly realized that blonde blur was Ryuji.

Akechi walked over, confused by what his teammate was up to. "What do we have here?!" he projected loud enough for Ryuji to notice.

"Oh hey man!!! What's up! Just found this stray pup. Should I keep him?"

"No--what about Morgana?"

"Who gives a shit. This little guy needs a home. I can't just leave him."

As Akechi looked at the two he thought, "Hmm.... Even though he is as vulgar as ever it's pretty cute he wants to take care of that puppy." A small smile appeared on his face.

"You're right. I'll help you take care of it with you if you want."


Then an idea popped into Akechi's mind. A bright big smile appeared now as he suggested they go to the mall, get their dog some supplies, and maybe grab a bite to eat. The two boys spent the rest of the day together talking about their new puppy and what to do with him. They were laughing about all the fun names they could give him when a voice interrupted them.

"What's going on?"

This was the moment Akechi has been hoping for. As casually as possible he responded, "Oh, hi Joker. Ryuji and I got a puppy together and are trying to pick out a name."

Joker looked visibly uncomfortable for a second and very quietly repeated the word, "...together?" His eyes held a small glimmer of hope, which Akechi swiftly crushed when he scooped up the puppy, held it up to his face, and said, "We'll call you Vulgar Boy!"

Ryuji thrust his fist into the air in delight. "Aw yeah!! Vulgar Boy! That's perfect for a runt like him!" He grabbed Vulgar Boy out of his hands. Joker's eyes followed the motion, and his heart broke as their fingers brushed each other for just a moment too long for his taste.

"I--I have somewhere to be," Joker choked out, and tried not to hurry too quickly out. As his lungs filled with the cold air outside, he muttered, "Dammit. Dammit!"

Akechi thought he might have taken it a step too far, and felt a pang of guilt in his chest. But he forced himself to recall how Joker had left him sitting alone in the cafe. Did two wrongs make a right? He was beginning to regret embarrassing Joker like that.

"Hey man, snap out of it!" Ryuji bumped his shoulder into Akechi. "Your eyes got all...weird and spacey for a minute there."

"Oh, you're quite right. I was distracted for a moment. My apologies," he said quietly.

"Uhh, no problem man." Ryuji shuffled his feet awkwardly before saying, "Wanna take Vulgar Boy home for tonight? I gotta run anyway." He plopped the puppy into Akechi's open hands. It wiggled its tail before snuggling deeper into Akechi's arms. Akechi smiled softly down at it.

"Yes, I think I will take him. Until next time," he said.

"See ya!" Ryuji ran off, always in a hurry.

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