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"I guess I'll take my leave soon, but I don't think you would bother caring anyways."



Kyeolhee was hospitalized since that day, and was diagnosed with coma. Who knows when she'll wake up, days? Weeks? Months? Years possibly?

'I couldn't even tell you my feelings for you, and here you are, lying on the bed, helplessly,' I sighed, it has already been 4 days, but she seem like she's going to wake up any sooner.



"What's this dark place?" I wondered around the place until I almost got blinded by the sudden bright light that took over the darkness where I stood at.

'Woah, I'm floating,' I thought as I saw the scenes of that day.

Seeing my body laid in the middle of the road with a puddle of blood surrounding that was slowly becoming a stream due to the rain. So that was the reason of the sudden black out.

The realization hit me but I was more curious about something else. Did Yoonseo continued running away? Did she not see my unconscious body on the cold hard road legitimately producing a blood stream across the road?

I looked around and saw her figure running away almost tripping. Honestly I felt really sad and disappointed seeing her not aware that I wasn't chasing her anymore but lying on a pool of my own not only fresh but cold blood on the road about to die any moment.

Before I could even turn back to look at my body, another bright light blurred my vision causing me to squint my eyes at the sudden contact.

This time around I saw Yoonseo at what seems to be her apartment, crying.

I directed my what seems like a soulless floating body went towards her, I patted her back but my hand just went through. Slightly freaking out at the weird experience, I convinced myself that this might be a dream or something.

Time suddenly skipped and I saw her writing some letters, though I couldn't see what she wrote since it was blurred out. After she was done, she plopped back down onto her bed like she had a hard day.

I was curious about what she wrote in the letter so I tried using my ghostly hands to try and maybe flip open the half folded letter, but then gave up after I realized that it was no fucking use.

I then turned back to the direction of Yoonseo, seeing her looking up to the wall daydreaming. But then she started smiling bitterly and said "Only a day left until I meet heaven, or hell."

"Even if God offered me to live here because of the great things I'll have here, I would reject it anyway," she then said letting out a happy chuckle.

"Why though? You'll get to eat varieties of delicacies around the world and meet great people, though some can really be a pain in the ass. Well at least that's two of the reasons why I decided to live on with my life," I said out, but only to replied by the crickets outside chattering and followed along with peaceful silence.

'Ah, right, she can't hear me'

"It comes with a price, you'll have to work your ass off for money, you have to study until you go crazy, though there's is something called kindness...but they wouldn't feel and share your pain anyway, so kindness is not necessary," she finished and tears came pouring out of my eyes as I constantly tried to wipe them away.

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