Chapter 1

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"Ah. It's cold." I said as I turned the heat of the heater a bit higher.

"Rin-kun. Please be nice when you are with Uncle Tooru. Okay?" I asked the little one sitting by the dining table, eating his cereal.

He just nodded in response.

"Ne. Honey, I won't be gone for too long. Mommy just has to get this seminar done and then I can officially work. We both have to be strong now, okay, Rin-kun?" I asked him trying to cheer him up,"after that I promise I won't be leaving you alone anymore." His pout turned into a big smile and his eyes shone. He nodded more enthusiastically now and continued to eat his breakfast while I got ready for my upcoming trip.

*ding dong*

I rushed to open the door and it revealed a certain brunette smiling down at me with the usual enthusiasm.

"Ohayo Maecchan~! And to you too Rin-kun~ Ready for today?" He asked the boy who nodded again.

"Okay, then let's get you dressed so you can go with Uncle Tooru then." The young child then rushed to his room and started to get dressed.

"Ah, Tochan. Come in.", I said gesturing for him to come in my small house since it was snowing outside.

"Thank you. Whoa Maecchan. You sure did a great job decorating this house." He complimented it and I smiled thanking him.

"Arigato. It took a while alone but I did it." I answered.

I used to live in a small appartment with my mother when we moved to Tokyo but after my fourth year, which was my 2nd college year, I managed to afford a small 2 house with the help of my few parttime jobs which mainly constist of modelling.

When me and Rin moved in, my mother moved back to Miyagi to my brother and father because my father had a car accident and wasn't able to work anymore.

My brother told me he wanted to do volleyball professionally, since he wasn't good in anything else so he went to a volleyball college. He wasn't good enough to pass the entrance exam but he fortunetly got scouted at his last year of highschool. He had go move to his college campus because it was in another city but we lost contact after a few weeks into college.

Anyway. I am going to Osaka for a special management seminar. I will also be taking my last exam there to officially get the permit to work. I have only been working parttime as model and from time to time helped out at the National Volleyball Team, which Tooru is part of, because of my analysis skills. After the exam I will be working as the teams manager.

While I am gone I asked Tooru to take care of my 6 year old son, because I couldn't take him with me and I trust Tooru with him because he knew Rin even before the boy was born. He was kind of the fatherly figure Rin missed out on.

"All done." Rin said showing me he was done with getting dressed. I let out a small giggle and went over to him to put on his sweatshirt the right way.

"Tochan, I will drop you and Rin off and head to the airport then. " I said turning on the engine of my car.

Tooru sometimes comes over to my house to use me as ride to the city gymnasium for his usual daily practice since my university was just a bit away from it so I got used to him beeing at my house practically every day.

"Sure. Thanks Maecchan."

"I should be thanking you."


After a drive of 20 min we arrived at the Tokyo Gymnasium where the usual volleyball traing was.

I helped Rin out of the car and he held my hand as we walked into the building. I adjused the medium sized bag on my shoulder so it wouldn't fall.

Hatsukoi From the Beginning (Nishinoya Yuu x OC) Haikyuu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now