Chapter 7

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"YOSHA!" We just won again Russia in this game. I heard the crowd cheer for the team and I looked over to my family who was sitting at the VIP seats on the bleachers. My mother was crying and my father cheered happily next to her. My son was again standing on his seat and was talking to somebody.

I followed his gaze and my eyes landed on our shirtless libero.

I got his new jersey and thew it to him shouting.

"Think fast!" He turned around and quicky caught the shirt.

"Thanks!" He said smiling so bright I could go blind. I felt a pair of eyes look at me and I looked over to see Wakatoshi looking with a sad smile at me.

I focused back on my son and saw he wore the sweaty shirt Nishinoya wore over the game.

That's the second one now.

"MOMMY LOOK!" he shouted his eyes getting teary.

I smiled at him and waved back at him.


"Wow, Rin-chan that is you second jersey from coach right?"

"Yes mommy!! Isn't it great? Can we buy a frame for this??" He asked jumping while we were walking home. The gym wasn't far away so we didn't take the car today.

"Ne, Rin-kun. Do you not want a jersey from me too?" My brother asked the boy smiling while pointing at himself.

"No thanks. You're not as cool as the libero uncle."


"Oka-san.." he said leaning his head on our mother's shoulder sulking.

"There. There."

"The libero is the coolest on the team! He gets to wear another color and is the backbone of a team! If there was just a team with liberos I would be their biggest fan!" He said excitingly imagining it.

"I'm not the best with that sport but I don't think that it works like that." My father said chuckling. Rin looked confused and was suddenly put in my father's shoulder.

"Let's go eat somewhere. I'm starving!" My dad said and we all agreed.

Bzzt bzzt

I took out my phone and my brother did the same.

We are eating at the HotPotSpot in town. Come join us! -Totoru(Tototro-Tooru? Get it haha...)

"Should we go?" My brother asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"You two should go. You should celebrate." Our mother said and I asked.

"Is that alright for you two?"

"Sure sweetie. Go and have fun with the team." She said and I nodded.

"Mommy I wanna come with you! I wanna come with! Please take me with you!" Rin suddenly begged and I looked at my brother doubtingly.


"GONBANWA! My name is Kageyama Rintarou! It is nice to meet all of you again! I am your biggest fan!" My son said as he stood infront of all the players who were sitting at the tables in the restaurant and bowed. They all looked at him questioning.

"He didn't want me to go without him. Sorry about that. If he is disturbing then I can just go ho-"

"It's fine Maacchan! Rin-kuun~! Long time no see~. Come sit here by your uncle Tooru." Iwaizumi said and my son obeyed. Everybody went back to eating and I sat down next to him and infront of my brother. Rin was sitting infront of Nishinoya. Wow.

Hatsukoi From the Beginning (Nishinoya Yuu x OC) Haikyuu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now