Chapter 4

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Next week is the worldcup. It will be held in Japan and I am so excited for the team.

It's 2 am and I can't sleep for some reason. I have had this weird emptiness inside of my chest since Rin's game.

I had a date with Ushijima yesterday but I didn't feel good either. I don't feel sick so I can't describe how it is. I took some sleeping pills and tried to sleep.


Little time skip

I am on my way to Nishinoya's appartment with a box of snacks from America. I had them shipped by my friend for me last week for him as thank you for taking care of me when I was sick.

*ding dong* I heard light footsteps and the door slowly swung open to reveal a shirtless Nishinoya.

My eyes whidden and I covered my eyes out of reflex thus leading the box to drop out of my hands. But instead of it colliding with the floor Noya caught it.

Libero senses.

"M-Mae? What are you doing here?" He asked startled to see me at his front door. He didn't seem to mind me seeing him shirtless. He then spoke up again me still covering the lower half of my face to hide my blush,"Ah, please come in." I took my shoes off and entered the small appartment.

It was small but comfty. And suprisingly neat and tidy for somebody like Nishinoya.

He had alot of what looks like old things like his highschool volleyball jerseys in frames in his livingroom and some old photos.

"I made some hot water and I don't know what tea you likes so wanna come into the kitchen?" He asked popping his head out of nowhere.

"Ah, sure." I answered and hurried to the kitchen for God knows why.

In the process I knocked over a small carton which was placed under his framed jerseys.

I heard footsteps come closer and he quickly picked up the black and orange fabric off of the floor. It had the number 9 or something on it and looked like a uniform but I didn't really catch a good look of it before he quickly put it back into the box.

"Sorry. I wasn't looking here I was going." I apologized as we stood up he just smiled and eaved his hand infront of him.

"Mm. It's fine." He sweatdropped.

Why is he so nervous. What was that?

"What brings you here Mae?" He asked placing a cup of hot water infront of me as we sat down.

"Thank you. Well, I wanted to thank you for taking care of me a few weeks ago. There are snacks and such in the box I brought. I hope you enjoy them." I answered and he eyed the box. I let out a small smile.

We chatted a bit about how our lives went after highschool and I heard that Nishinoya got scouted for the national team at a college game. And he barely passed the entrance exam for college but Ennoshita studied with them.

It was time for dinner preperations and I excused myself so I could go home and cook for my son.

I put on my shoes and waved Nishinoya good bye as he stood in the door way and he gave me a half smile.

"See you tomorrow Yuu-kun!" I said enthusiastically and he returned it. I made my way home but I hear him say one more last thing which made my heart skip.

"I missed you..."

...same Yuu-kun...


Hatsukoi From the Beginning (Nishinoya Yuu x OC) Haikyuu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now