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After kian and I's talk we walked home holding hands. We talked about the most stupid stuff. It was good. He makes me happy...but Bryana. I can't do this to her it's the one this I promised. I don't wanna break it. But maybe she'll understand. We finally get to our houses after all we do live next door. He says goodbye and kisses me. While we're kissing a car pulls up. "Are you kidding me?!" Bryana yells. "Bry" I start. "Don't. Don't you dare! You promised. You promised me you wouldn't." She yelled on the verge of tears. I just look at the ground and kians arm goes around me. "Kian don't....please" I say sadly. "How long?!" Bryana yells. "From her birthday" kian tells her. "Your birthday?! Are you kidding me Tessa. You know he was going to ask out Franny right?" She says. "Bryana why? Why did you do that" kian roars. I feel myself starting to cry. So I run inside. I hurt her. I hurt the person I never wanted to hurt. She'll never talk to me again. "Sweetie are you ok?" My mum says. I can't breathe. I can't speak. I feel myself gasping for air. I see black as I hit the floor. I hear muffled voices. "Bryana phone an ambulance" someone yells. "Is she ok? What happened. Let me see her" a guy yells. Finally I hear muffled sirens. I'm drifting in and out of consciousness until all goes dark.

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