Chapter Nine

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For this chapter, it will be told by Cotton


Each sunset was different from the rest. I gaze upon the dying sun as it sank below the sea. A symbol of my redemption and the death of my old self.

The dying warrior...

I looked upon the sky as it started to darken. The moon began it's annual routine of the night.

The omen of the stars had told me.

I felt energy coursing through my eye. I had to be careful. Even though I was mastering it slowly, the abilities could end up costing my powers.

My eye had told me something horrifying; a new user of the eye has come. And I would be the one to mentor her.

...and this new user will be the decision of saving the planet or untimate destruction...

I felt the fear of the future at me. It... It was dangerous. I couldn't see anything, but I heard of screams of death and these words:

The age of over...

Then, I saw a dark figure with red eyes.

I gasped in fear.

I need to go back to Zootopia...



By the time I reached the highly advanced city, I couldn't help myself by the impression of the city. Zootopia was getting more modern and modern. I saw teenagers wearing a weird set of goggles where they slid their phone inside of it.

Virtual reality...

I saw trains that ran on electric wheels without wheels. It was almost like it was floating.

Then, I saw what I think is absolutely amazing.

I spied on a group of rats as they entered a gate. The gate was filled with a green energy as they entered the gate. They walked into it as the gate flashed. I knew where they were heading. I jumped from building to building to reach their destination.

They had crossed 10 miles away from their spot to a new one. They were fine. They were safe.

Teleportion gates...amazing!

I knew that I needed to go find Violet, my little niece. I had matters to discuss with her.


When I reached her home, it was midnight. I knew it would have been rude to wake her family at the hour, but it was important.

I press the button and someone had answer it. I was expecting someone sleepy-looking but to my surprise, I was met with a flying fist.

I have quick reflexes. My body moved on its own will and I knew how to react.

I caught her flying fist and her father came down. I asked him where was Violet and he told me. I left immediately, right after a fight with Abby.

As I proceed to go though the quiet, dark roads. I was using my invible ability so I wouldn't be mistaken for a long-lost Organization member. I was the only member who was still wearing my sins.

I was still using my invisible power when I got jumped by Abby.

She was trying to hard to fight. However, she was begging for me to mentor her. I was amused and confused by how she went from fighting and wanting to be my apprentice. I never thought I would have an pupil of mine, but she seemed willing enough. Another thing told me that she had potential and she was special.

I sensed an amazing ability. It was almost like mine. Could she...?

I told her she could be my apprentice if she had a sword. I wanted to see if she was willing.

And off she went.

What I couldn't understand was how she was able to see me. It was strange. Maybe my abilities are getting rusty?

I went off to see Violet.


When I entered the ZPD, I saw a old friend of mine: Cooper. He was heading home and he nodded at me. He wad wearing his shades and he had a photo of his son.

Walker was his name. And he was the spitting image of his dad. Wow. Go figure.

He left and I proceed towards Violet's office.

There, was a sleeping Rabbit-Fox. Files surrounded her messy desk. A fresh mug of coffee sat at her desk.

Yet she was fast asleep.

I tapped at her desk and she suddenly groaned saying "Five more minutes!" I chuckled. Typical Violet. She hasn't changed a bit.

She realized that I was here. She groaned about how she messed up. I asked her what's up with her and she told me that she was working a lot Lately.

I could tell that she was joking; she had bags underneath her eyes.

Then, I decided to talk with her.

I first handed her an scroll and informed her that it was a long lost souvenir from an old enemy long ago. I also told that I couldn't see what later beyond the text with my eye.

I also told her that I met her daughter.

"Hey, little niece..."

"Yeah?", she said.

"I've met her. I met your daughter."

"That's nice. What do you think of her?"

I chuckled. "That's she's an bigger loser than you!"

She looked at me and we smiled.

"I thinks we have may become relics of an old past..."

I shook her head. "No. The definition of Zootopia will never change. It will always be pasted down from generation to generation."

She smiled and said "I think I'm going to win this one, Cotton."

I couldn't but to smile at her.


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