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If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.❞

March 12, 2036
Seattle, Washington

"You can go ahead and dead that lil' attitude you got going on. Eat ya' food and be happy."

Through narrowed eyes, Joleicy kept her heated gaze on Robin as she snatched her fork off the kitchen's island countertop and stabbed a smoked Cajun shrimp from her breakfast platter before popping the crustacean in her mouth.

The two of them were in W Seattle, the four-star hotel Robin was staying in for the week and seemingly Joleicy's second home. For the past six days at the hotel, she had been eating, sleeping, shitting and getting every last one of her itches scratched, and she was on cloud nine. She didn't think things would go so smoothly with this cuffing season situation, but it ended up being better than she expected. 

All her doubts about her sexual appetite being satiated had left as soon as they came. Since she deemed her libido larger than the average woman's, Joleicy felt she had to have some variety in her sex life to satisfy her needs, but Robin managed to keep up with her palate and actually tire her out.

The only downsides from going along with his cuffing season proposal was dealing with how comfortable Robin had gotten with her, and how comfortable Joleicy was with him. She knew what they had going on was reaching its final stages and she would return back to her old set-up and he would return back to his, but she couldn't lie and say she wouldn't miss this.

The winter holidays had been spent laying in the sheets of her bed while Robin caressed and licked his way up her body. The new year had come in and she reluctantly traveled to Chicago with him on a business trip, touring the city in the meantime and rolling in the sheets of their hotel bedroom. On Valentine's Day, she received roses from Rodney, a heart pendant from Iman, and a bottle of wine from Miles, yet somehow, she stayed with Robin all day. Now she was in the last week of being with him, and although she had been on cloud nine all this time, she wondered if she could ever be back on it when Robin would leave.

"Issh sho' good," She moaned with a full mouth, forking a dollop of grits on her utensil and eating that as well. After insisting that Joleicy eat breakfast with him, Robin grabbed some southern brunch platters from one of his favorite soul-food restaurants, Kimberly-Anne's. Although Joleicy wasn't that much of a soul-food fan, she couldn't help but stuff her face with food from her platter and Robin's platter too.

"Every time I come to Seattle, I gotta' get a plate—no question," he stated, taking a bite out of his bacon, lettuce and fried-green tomato sandwich.

Joleicy stopped eating and placed her fork back on the counter, earning Robin's attention as he munched on his breakfast, "how long before you have to go?" She asked just above a whisper, visibly seething when she noticed a shit-eating grin form on his face.

"Why you wanna' know? You gone miss me?"

"Robin, answer the damn question."

Smirking, Robin closed his styrofoam plate and placed it in its plastic bag, "I have to be out in about thirty minutes for a meeting but I can stay a lil' longer,'' When he seen Joleicy roll her eyes and a grimace appear on her face, he chuckled. "I'm going to stay longer," he corrected himself.

He knew Joleicy didn't want to admit it, but she enjoyed being in his presence just like Robin enjoyed being in hers'. She claimed to hate how he made nonsexual plans for the both of them, and professed how she didn't like to be kissed and hugged on, but he made it his business to do everything she disdained because he knew she secretly liked it.

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