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Alas, the summer sun can't last forever. The days will grow cooler and shorter, and our skin will once again pale.

July 4, 2036
Richmond, Virginia

Joleicy pressed her fingers violently on her phone as the letters and words she typed meshed into gibberish. Angrily, she locked the cellular device and slammed it in the cup-holder of her seat, pulling the sunshade on her window up to look out at the clouds.

Shifting next to her, Robin pulled his blanket off his head and frowned at Joleicy, "You always gotta' fucking attitude about something. Just mean, yo'. Pull the damn shade down. Be mad without havin' to wake me up," he snapped at her, his voice raising an octave higher and making Joleicy lose the glare on her face and pull the shade down.

She didn't want any attention from the passengers or the staff on the airplane, so she calmed down a bit, but best believe she was still mad—she had every right to be mad. Joleicy always gave Robin an attitude because he purposely did things to make her upset. Everything he did seemed to be the complete opposite of what she wanted; it was almost like he wasn't even listening to her.

They were on a flight scheduled to land in Richmond, Virginia. That would've been fine if Joleicy was told beforehand—but she wasn't; she was told they were going to California. Despite finding out the change of locations in the airport terminal, she still wasn't that mad; it was when Robin told her the reason why they were going to Richmond that she blew up like a fuse.

"Your fucking family," she abruptly hissed, earning a long groan of irritation from Robin as he tossed his blanket away from him, "To meet your fucking family. This the shit I be talking about; no consideration," she added.

She was already questioning everything they had going on, and somehow, Robin knew exactly how to make her more confused as the days went by. They were still having sex, but it wasn't just "strictly" anymore. He wanted to go on dates— taking her out to restaurants and museums or go on trips to other states, and as nice as it was, Joleicy knew they were pushing the boundaries of this situation. Cuffing season had been over four months ago, yet they were still involved with each other, and even though she was receiving texts and phone-calls from Rodney and company about things going back to the way they used to be, she felt content with being with Robin.

That was a problem.

Robin rolled his eyes, "Dramatic. As fuck, actually. I told you it's not even like that. I wanted to kick it with'chu, but my family wanted me home. I ain't think much of it other than for you to tag-along so everybody could be happy. You tweakin'," he complained, moving to place his Beats™ headphones over his ears before Joleicy snatched them off.

"Make this the last time you tell me I'm 'tweaking', okay? And you're not understanding where I'm coming from because you don't want to. I don't give a damn about what you thought was gonna' make me happy. Meeting your family is a big step in couples' relationships, Robin. And last time I checked, me and you are not in a relationship, and we're not a couple. I'm a girl you're having sex with—not somebody you bring back home to meet your family. Stop trying to make this shit something that it's not."

Robin stared at her with hard eyes, "Make it what? Go 'head and say it," he egged on, matching Joleicy's glare as her cheeks puffed up in anger before she looked away from their silent battle.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at Richmond International Airport," one of the flight attendants spoke into the intercom, earning Robin's attention as he looked away from Joleicy, "Please make sure one last time your seat-belt is securely fastened. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and assist any passengers with any issue. Thank you," the woman added.

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