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Winter is a season of recovery and preparation....

December 7, 2035
Seattle, Washington

Madison was rambling, and Joleicy wasn't listening to a single thing her friend was saying. The conversation most likely had something to do with her now on-and-off boyfriend, Durand, so Joleicy definitely wasn't interested.

Seeing that she had a boyfriend now, Madison claimed that she would be returning the favor of venting about her problems to Joleicy since she did it all the time with her. It was reasonable at first; random texts while Joleicy was in class bored as hell or late-night talks when Joleicy needed to stay up and work on her assignments, but now, it was killing her slowly but surely.

"Joleicy, are you listening?" She looked away from the busy street and gave her best friend a faux smile, the quirk of her lips dropping when Madison went right back to blabbing about how Durrand didn't send her a goodnight text last night. A biting breeze flew inside Joleicy's open coat and she quickly pulled both flaps close, wrapping her arms around her body as they traveled down the sidewalk to Starbucks.

"I tell you one thing; I'm not getting anything cold to drink—it's fucking freezing out here," Joleicy spat, making Madison nod her head in agreement. The weather was starting to get harsher, and Joleicy wanted no parts of it. The sky was dreary, the streets were laced and coated with snow, and people were barely outside. The shift in climate was unexpected but it seemed everybody else got accustomed to it; Joleicy still wasn't on board.

Shivering and rubbing her arms down, Madison opened the entrance door to Starbucks and Joleicy quickly stepped inside and basked in the warmth of the coffee shop. It had been a while since she'd been there—between classes, her internship and her new job at the courthouse, Joleicy barely had time for pleasantries with friends or partners.

After the whole deal with Robin and kicking Miles out, Joleicy started staying to herself. She didn't want to admit it at first but she was doubting herself. It was something she didn't do often, or as a matter of fact, something she didn't do at all. Her self-esteem wasn't low; she knew she was a pretty girl, and it wasn't like she played any games. For the longest, she thought she knew what she wanted but these last few months had been a real eye-opener for her. Joleicy wasn't this self-assertive person she thought she was, and it was showing clearly now that she could look back and see she was really just scared to let go and let someone in.

"Damn. I'm about to skip the White Chocolate Mocha and go straight for the Fudge Chocolate Java Chip," Madison spoke wantonly, making Joleicy laugh as she moved up the line.

Looking back at her, Joleicy playfully shook her head in confusion, "The hell are you talking about?" She watched a wide smile form on Madison's face and noticed her looking towards the tables with customers. Joleicy turned her attention that way to see what or who Madison was leering at, and immediately Joleicy knew who and why her friend was mixed in a lustful spell.

Robin sat at a table by his lonesome self, dressed down in a thick white turtleneck, another cream-colored trench coat, rinsed indigo jeans that she was sure hung low on his hips, and wheat Timberland boots on his feet. He had his own coffee in his hands, Dark Roast. Joleicy thought, smiling for a second before it dimmed. She wondered what he was doing here, and inwardly, she hoped he was here by himself and maybe waiting for her.

"Who the hell is that? Why is he sitting by himself? And can I join him?" Madison bit her bottom lip and hummed in approval when Robin shifted in his seat as he kept his eyes on his iPhone. Joleicy deadpanned and shoved Madison.

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