Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Lillian drank her iced mocha along the hallway when a buzz erupted amongst students. Students are normally intrigued on the newcomers in school. There was a babble among girls and expectant looks among guys. Who could it be? Abruptly, she felt someone yanked her arm from behind.

"Gosh, Veronica don't you dare!" Lillian grumbled. Her friend giggled from her reaction. "Sorry mademoiselle, did I ruin your outfit?" she joked, gazing at Lillian's emerald green maxi skirt, sleeveless denim jacket with white top underneath and leather sandals. "Just don't scare me like that. Good job on your skirt, I love it," she said instantly forgetting what happened and took in Veronica's striped cropped shirt, mini zipped black skirt and leopard print slip-on sneaks, it suits her hair perfectly.

"Did I miss anything?" Lillian said. Veronica let her in with the details, "I heard Elodie St. Clair giving him a pen name Monsieur Ducati 'cause he rides one - a Ducati 848. Haven’t seen him around here, probably a transfer," she went on, linking her arm with Lillian's. "Wanna give it a peek? I'm telling you, this one's a looker." Lillian sipped the last of her iced mocha and threw it on a nearby trash bin. "I'll pass. I'm not interested."

Lillian and her friend entered World History and sat beside each other. Everyone was chattering around and whatnot until Mr. Wakefield went inside the room. "Ok class before we begin, please bring out your notebooks and write your upcoming homework," he said and started scribbling at the board. The students groaned at this, but the teacher ignored it as always.

After writing, he faced the class. "Now that you've written your homework, I would like to introduce your new classmate - please come in," he gestured at the door. A striking guy entered the room. Sudden gasps of admiration came from the girls and Veronica nudged Lillian's arm.

Lillian first noticed his prominent jaw line showing a shadow of beard, lighter shade of a slightly ruffled light brown hair, and brown eyes. She also took note of his chambray shirt, khaki jeans, converse sneakers and canvas rucksack, not missing a pair of aviator sunglasses dangling his front shirt.

"It's him," Veronica whispered near her friend’s ear. Lillian kept her face intact resisting the urge to smirk knowingly. It finally has begun she thought mischievously. Despite that, she felt proud how Nathan Reed carried himself to be –

"Hugo Schmidt. I'm very glad to be here and hopefully we get along well," he finished briefly. He has this intimidating air around him. It would be more pleasing if he smiled, but he kept his face in a firm manner. Mr. Wakefield assigned Hugo to sit at the middle aisle beside a guy classmate. "As for our transferees Mr. Schmidt, here at Grindell we have a student committee called New Student Buddy wherein they can assist transferees like you. If you have questions you can always approach them. I believe Ms. Carter here is a member and I'm sure she can help," he said gesturing toward Lillian, who gave a nod of acknowledgement. "Thank you, sir," Hugo said.

"Ok, if that will be all, we'll proceed to our lesson," said Mr. Wakefield.

"I'm having chicken breast, mashed potatoes, and iced tea for a drink," Veronica said to the lunch lady. "If not for Sean, I'm wishing Hugo to ask me for a date instead," she continued, smiling in a flirty fashion. "Who's Sean? I thought you’re with Jack," Lillian said paying on the counter for her caesar salad, pasta and bottle of water. "They are the ones approaching me so, not my problem if I'm that hot," Veronica said airily. Lillian just snorted. They joined Laura and Brenda's table as usual.

Before sitting down, she spotted Hugo with his lunch tray and approached him. "Hi!" she greeted. "I hope I'm not interrupting." "No, I'm good," Hugo said in a tight smile. In the corner of her sight, Lillian saw Conrad and Iris arriving with their friends. "Well, I would like to say welcome to Grindell. And if there's anything you want help it, just approach me" she said. Then she saw Conrad set his eyes on their table with curiosity.

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