Chapter 1

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Falling into the inevitable.

That is my biggest fear.

I wrote into my journal as I sat in bed waiting for my mom to finish breakfast. The whole house smelled like bacon and syrup. It was glorious.

I walked to the bathroom and opened the cabnit. I pulled out all six bottles and pour my designated pills in my hand. In all, it was basically a handful of pills. I filled my cup with water than took one after another, washing it down with a sip of water for each. I then put all the bottles back and closed the cabnet.

I saw the monster looking back from the mirror. Its how I've always remember seeing myself so its not surprising. I grabbed my black wig that I always keep in the bathroom. I dislike this one most because it made my skin paler than it already is. I looked like a ghost. After fixing my hair I put on some light makeup to my sunk in eyes and a little color on my cheeks.

I was wearing a black Nirvana band T-shirt and wripped blue skinny jeans. I paired all that with my black converse.

"Honey, breakfast is done!" I heard Mom yell from downstairs. Our house is pretty small, so you could hear everything very easily.

I went downstair and sat at the table. My plate was already laid out for me. My Mom likes to cook for me as if its my last meal.

"Thank you Mom. " I said before eating. Soon my mom joined me at the table with her coffee.

"I'm gonna give you some money so you and Brittany can go shopping for a hair piece for your aunts wedding next week." She said as she avoids the word 'wig'.

"K." I said and finished eating.

We both finished and got into the car. She drove me to my high school which was only a few blocks away from home. My parents didn't understand why I wanted to go to school. They think I need to be a sick shut in my whole life until a miracle happens or I die.

"Cya when I get home Mom."

"Have a good day Trina." Mom said as she handed me fifty bucks. She knows 'hair pieces' are only thirty five. Although I didn't complain.

I shut the car door and walked up to the school. When I got inside I felt the looks people were giving me. I've gotten used to it because its an everyday thing. I ignored it and kept walking until I found my locker. I through my bag in and grabbed my things for Biology. Yes, I'm a junior taking a fresman class. I missed to many days in freshman year to have enough credit to pass.

"Hey T." My best friend Brit greeted as I closed my locker.

"Hey B. How do you feel about ice cream and then wig shopping after school? Mom wants me to get a new one for my aunts wedding." I informed as we walked to my class.

"Sounds good to me. Cya in third period."

I waved to her and walked into class. While I sat in Biology I thought of my friendship with Brittany. When she first met me she had no idea I had cancer. I told her one night at a sleep over and she gave me the look. Although ever sense that night she just treats me like a friend, not a friend with cancer. That's why we are best friends.

The bell rang and the day seem to flash before my eyes. I had a bunch of homework that Brittany and I were gonna do at Dairy Queen.

Our Dairy Queen was different from most. It looked a bit more like a cafe or an ice cream parlor. It was more intimate than most.

"Ready to go?" I asked Brittany as I carried my books in my arms. She swung her bag around her shoulder and closed her locker.

"Yea lets get outta here." She smiled and hooked her arm around mine.

We got to her car and she drove us to Dairy Queen.

We got in and found our traditional spot and threw our bags and books on the table so no one took it when we ordered our ice cream. I just got a bowl of vanilla with sprinkles and Brit got a banana split. After got our ice cream and paid we found our way back to our table.

"Wanna do Physics first to get it over with?" I asked as Brit took a bite of ice cream. She just nodded.

We opened our books to the assignment and I opened my notebook. I always wrote in pen because I hated to feeling on pencil scratching on paper. It was irritating.

Brittany began reading the first equation but my attention shifted when the door rang as four boys came in. They we all wearing beanies or hats with sunglasses. It was strange. I watched as they walked up to the counter and all ordered. After they got their ice cream they sat at a table not too far from us.

"Who are they?" Brit asked as she starred at the boys and bit her lip.

"Stop starring!" I whisper yelled. "They just moved in next door to me."

"But nobody has lived in that house like.. ever." She said.

"I'm aware." I said.

"Do you think they are going to go to our school?" She asked as she started starring again. I just looked down at my book in embarrassment.

"I doubt it. Considering how little they unpacked yesterday, I don't think they're staying long." I explained. I glanced over at the boys who still had their hats and sunglasses on. They were all talking and laughing. One looked at us and I looked away almost immediately.

"Lets just get this done." I said and I began reading and answering questions. Brittany copied me until she began to understand and helped me answer. It look us like 15 minutes to finish which was good.

"Go start the car. I'll throw these away." I smiled at Brittany and I picked up the emply plastic bowl that once had ice cream. She nodded and took her bag.

I put mine on and held the books, that wouldn't fit, in one arm. Then I tried carrying both bowls with the other hand. I struggled but I managed to get it. Well up until I was feet away from the garbage and bumped into something or someone and my books fell to the ground.

"I am so sorry." I heard a low voice say. I looked up and saw one of the boys with a beanie and sunglasses. His blonde quiff hung out of his hat. He put his sunglasses on the top of his hat and bent down to picked up my books and I took the time to throw away the garbage.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that." I smiled and took my books from the stranger and hugged them on my chest. The stranger smiled and I saw some adorable dimples appear.

"Don't be silly. I wasn't watching where I was going. Nice shirt." He winked with his beautiful blue eyes and put his sunglasses back on before walking passed me to throw away his trash and went back to his table.

I left the Dairy Queen and found where the car was parked. I got into the passenger seat and Brit looked at me confused.

"What took you so damn long?" She asked.

"Nothing lets just get this over with." I said trying to stop her from asking anymore questions. She got the hint and kept driving. If I told her she'd make a huge deal about it.

I ended up picking a brown wig with curls towards the bottom.


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