Chapter 33

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Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same - Emily Bronte

Evelyn's POV.

Of course this would have happened to me. There goes the universe plotting against me again. I bet those looking down on me must be having a really good laugh.

Over a month had passed by with the agony increasing torturously. The sick twisted pain knotted my insides as my heart brutally ached.

Distantly I heard my doorbell ringing as I trudged my way towards the door. The steps taking more effort than it should as the weight of melancholy settled heavily over me.

"Hi." Brandon said gently from the other side as he held out his arms as I immediately stepped into his hold.

"Better?" He asked after a couple minutes as he tightened his arms on me.

Nodding, I stepped out as I led him into the living room.

"How are you feeling?" He asked sympathetically.

"Like I was shot in the chest." I answered truthfully curling up my legs as I settled under the wrap.

"Can I say something Evelyn?" He asked seriously as I looked at him in surprise, "It's actually weird not calling you Eve." He said as he continued, "I came over to tell you that I came clean to my dad... you know about the whole me being gay thing. I'm 25 years old I can like whoever the hell I want. Surprisingly he took the news better than I expected. He didn't go into cardiac arrest so I'm assuming that he's fine.  He just need some time to get over it. The reason I hid my sexuality for so many years is because I was always worried about what people would think. The stories the media would write. The hounding photographers and the homophobic backlash of our prissy society. I didn't think I could have handled any of that until....until I met someone that I love. And he loves me too and he accepts me for me. Past, present and future. The full package. He wants it all. I want you to have the same Eve. I want you to experience the same. I know you love him and trust me he loves you to. He really loves you. I think he has for a very long time and just didn't know how to say it. He loves you so much that he let jealously get the better of him. As for me, it only strokes my ego that he sees me as competition." Brandon paused throwing a grin at me, "What I'm trying to say hear is that... so what if Lucas blamed you thinking we were together. It was piss poor luck I called at the wrong time but half of our society thinks so also. You're a badass Evelyn. You're fierce and determined to achieve what you want. Never forget that.  I know you're deeply hurt but it's a terrible misunderstanding. Are you willing to throw away a future filled with love and happiness over a misunderstanding? Lucas and you can have something real. You already do. You trusted him enough Eve so now can you forgive him? I don't think he meant any of what he said to you. To have a man like him jealous is a sight to witness. Go to him Eve. Can you at least try once more? Is Lucas worth it?"

"He is." I whispered feeling the tears well in my eyes as he pulled me into a hug.

"We have something for you." He said placing an envelope into my hands, "That is your flight arrangements. You leave at 8 tonight. Your hotel is already paid for and there's the number of the car that will collect you. But the moment that fine Italian realizes you're in his territory he's going to come for you." He stated and deep down I knew that it was true, "Lucas is anything but stupid. He won't let you go a second time. Silly girl he's that smitten."

"I..." I started off saying

"Don't say anything." He smiled, "Let's pack."

A short while later, after Brandon left, I dialed Sergio who informed me that he would gladly take me to the airport. Nerves ate at me as I made my way dressed, to the door as the doorbell rung expecting Sergio.

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