Chapter 6

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     We pull in my driveway, and I breath a sigh of relief. The tension in the car was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. I look at James to find him deep in thought, his grey eyes squinting through his window. I get the message and open the door. I pause, and wait to see if he's going I say anything. When he doesn't, I close the door and enter my house, opting for a cool shower.
     When I exit the bathroom, I make my way to my room to find my phone's screen lighting up with messages. I pick it up and read.
     Rachel: Hey, Sara. Just wanted to ask. How have things been going? Call me, sis.
     Mom: Honey, our meetings have been postponed for a few more days. I'm sorry, darling. We'll be home as soon as we can. If you need anything, call me or your dad.
     James: I'm sorry for the way I've been acting lately. I'm just struggling with all that's happened. Sorry if I hurt you in any way. I'm just on a little investigation. I didn't bring you with me because I don't want you to get hurt. I'll come over later tonight.
     I quickly type a reply to my mom and Rachel, then ponder over what James meant. Investigation? Without me? I sigh, and lie on my back, thinking about him.
     What can I do to help him? Is there anything I can do to help him? I remember a story my mother told me, about a sister I had. A sister I used to have. Her name was Thea.
     When Thea was about seven, she was playing in a forest near the house. It was evening. Mom came out to call her, but couldn't find her. She and dad searched the forest, and only found...
     I quickly sit up, and grab my phone. My hands shake as I open my phone and start to text James.
James. Please read this. Remember Thea? The sister I used to have. When she was seven, she got kidnapped. She was nowhere to be found. She was playing in a forest. The police couldn't find her, till this day. She's presumed dead. And the scariest part is that they only found her clothes. The dress she was wearing, along with her shoes and underwear.
     I hit send and wait anxiously to see if he's read it. Not yet. I grow restless and decide to read a book.
     I blindly choose one and end up with Artemis Fowl, the first book. I sit on my bed and read a couple of chapters, before my stomach starts to gurgle. I look at the time to find it 3 pm.
     James still hasn't read my text, and I groan internally at him. If only he freaking checks his phone, we can move foreword. And the worse thing is, I don't even know where he is.
     I decide to order some Pizza Hut, and call them. I order for a medium stuffed crust Hawaiian pizza, without pineapples. Half an hour later, it arrives.
     Checking one more time in case James read my text, he hasn't, I start on the pizza and, soon, I'm done. As I'm cleaning the table, my phone rings. I run to it to find that it's my dad.
     "Hello, dad," I greet.
     "Hi, pumpkin. How are you?", he asks.
     "I'm good."
     "Listen, mom and I are going to be very late. Like, up to three days late. We don't want you to stay alone in the house. Do you think you can sleep at Rachel's or James' for the next few days?"
     I think about it, and I'm almost a hundred percent sure he's alluding to Thea's disappearance.
     "Ok. Dad, I wanna ask you something."
     "Sure, darling."
     "What, exactly, happened to Thea?" I ask tentatively, not sure of the answer. My dad goes silent on the other side.
     "What do you want to know that you don't already?", he questions after a while.
     "Why was she kidnapped?"
     "I don't know," dad says shortly, his voice turning a little coarse. With tears, I presume. "The police never came back to us, so they assume she's dead. Why the sudden interest?"
     "The thing is, Kyle is missing. And he was also taken from a cluster of trees, and his clothes were also found." Dad gasps.
     "James' younger brother?" I nod, then quickly say, "Yes."
     "Oh my God. And that's the same way Thea was taken. Have you told the police this?"
     "They found his clothes, but they've left the case."
     "Oh. I'm sorry, Sara. But if the police have given up like they did when Thea was missing, then I doubt they'll ever look into it."
     My spirits deflate, and I hunch my shoulders.
     "So what do we do?" I ask, bewildered. I hear my dad sigh.
     "Start mourning," he says, then hangs up. I stare at my phone and I frown. While the phone is in my hand, James sends a text.
What?? You never told me the whole story. Just that your foster parents adopted her before adopting you.
     I text back: I didn't like to think about it. That's why I never told you about it. But I just talked to my dad. He said that with Thea, the police also said that they can't do anything anymore. So they just presumed she's dead. I asked dad what we can do, he said, "Start mourning"...
     James starts texting for a while, then sends: What about that guy? He must know something. He must!
     I send: James, you're grasping at straws here. I doubt that guy knows anything.
     Then why was he all slicked with that substance? And what was he even doing there, half naked?
     Maybe, just maybe, he was swimming?
     Don't fuck with me, Sara. He wasn't wearing swimming shorts.
     At that, I put the phone away. I just can't stand him cursing. Call me...I don't know what you would call me for that. But I don't like cursing or swearing.
     James sends another text: I'm sorry for cursing. I'm just so riled up and tensed. The thing is, I'm here. In those woods next to the beach, looking for the guy.
     What if he hurts you??
     Come on, Sara. Who do you take me for? A little child? I can protect myself. Plus, I'm not going there to fight him. Just to ask some questions.
     James! You shouldn't have gone. What if he hurts you? Please be careful.
     Chill, Sara. I'll get back to you soon. Don't, and I repeat, DON'T come here. I swear to God, Sara, if you came...I'll do something you and I will regret later, ok?
    Why not?
     Sara!! Just, don't come. Don't want you to be in harm's way.
     But it's fine if you were? I'm on my way.
     I close my phone and throw it on my bed, then pull on some jeans and a shirt, pull my hair into a high ponytail, put my phone in my pocket, then step into my flip flops. My phones going off with messages, but I just silence it and leave the house. I grab my bicycle and start to pedal towards the beach.

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