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She thrashed against the strength of her loved ones as they brought her to her room. Her love had just lost herself to fate. She could feel the pain coursing through their bond. This wasn't fair. It wasn't suppose to be this way. Her head kept screaming and her heart kept pleading for her mate. She kept trying to escape her home, but they kept stopping her. Kept bringing her back to her room. The room that had her mate's scent everywhere, intertwining with her own. Where there was a bed that was left unmade and in a mess from what had played out in it earlier that morning. The pain started to fade, but that only made Lauren scream in protest. The pain leaving meant that Y/n's life essence was falling away. The empty feeling it was being replaced with only made Lauren fight to hold on to the pain that was coming from her mate. Fighting to keep her bond, hoping it would keep her alive. But all too soon, it was gone. She couldn't feel her mate anymore. She was gone. Lauren let out a loud cry, causing her mother to burst into the room.

Clara saw her daughter and could feel the loss radiating off her. Both women could hear howls from the pack members outside. An entire pack feeling the loss of an alpha. Clara sat next to Lauren and held her in her arms. Lauren's arms and hands cling to her mother as she feels an overwhelming amount of loss hit her. She opens her eyes and sees the red moon coming in from the window, covering her in a curtain of crimson. Reminding her again of her lost mate, who's life began and ended with a blood moon. She looks to the moon and the loss becomes too much as she doses off. Her eyes close and she losses consciousness.

Clara tucked her daughter in and left the room. When she made it to the bottom of the stairs, she came face to face with 11 faces. Lauren and Y/n's bandmates standing next to her husband and youngest daughter. All with the same look upon their face.

"How is she," Ally asks with a small crack in her voice.

"Not good, but she's at least sleeping now. Losing a mate is one of the worst things to go through."

Before anything else could be said, there is a knock at the door. Taylor is the one who walks to it and opens to see Sheila. Everyone else stands around Taylor as she asks why Sheila is there. All ears listen intently as she explains that Y/n had brought a severely injured Chris to her mid fight. Explains his injuries and that he was going to survive, but that he was currently resting. No one knows how or why she'd do such a thing, especially mid battle. After all he has done. But then again, they know exactly why. It's Y/n, it's who she has always been. As quick as she arrived, Sheila leaves. The room falls into silence again.

Normani could see the exhaustion on everyone's faces and suggested they'd go rest for the night. After all, they had a ritual to prepare for tomorrow. Lauren's family agreed to stay in the alpha house to keep an eye on her. Everyone else headed to the generals' house and made their way to their individual wings. Normani's hand never left Dinah's the whole way to their room. The look in their eyes let them know they were thinking the same thing. 'What if it had been us?' The thought raced through their minds, making them realize how lucky they were to both still be standing. That they weren't suffering from the same fate their friend was. Both girls laid on the bed and just held each other. Occasionally, a hand would caress a face, or a grip would tighten for a second. Just to reassure both girls were still alive. Tears had started to fall and Dinah's voice cuts the silence, "I thought I was gonna lose you. Chris had you and he.. it would've killed me. I just thank the goddess you're still here."

Normani pulled Dinah closer, "It may sound selfish, but all I wanted in that moment was to be in your arms again. I didn't care about rivalries, or the fucked up shit going on. I just wanted to be with you."

Their eyes meet and their lips as well shortly after. Minutes passed and their clothes met the floor. Their bodies locked in a close embrace. Both craving the passion that was being given. Both needing the reassurance they were alive.

Camila sat in her bed. She couldn't sleep. The memories of Y/n were replaying in her head. She was holding them so dearly. Tears and sadness were all she could feel. She'd never be able to make new memories with her. She was more than an alpha to her. She was a close friend. The deep talks they had. The moments where Y/n helped her with her internal problems. Had this talent to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable. She had always been able to make people smile. But now, she's gone. And Camila was having a hard time wrapping her mind around it. She knew it was real, she felt that alpha connection severed. But it's like part of her was saying Y/n was alive and well. Refusing to believe the reality. So, she continues to lay there, embracing the memories she had.

Ally walked out into the living room. She couldn't sleep. She saw what was left of Unlucky 7 sleeping in the weirdest positions, scattered across the room. They all seemed to have multiple bottles of liquor next to them. Not that she could blame them, they lost a life long friend. To them, they lost more than an alpha. But Y/n was more than an alpha to everyone. Especially the generals. She was a great person and friend. Ally shook her head and decided to go for a walk. Maybe the fresh air would clear her head. She just let her feet guide her as her mind raced. The red tinted light was shining through the leaves of the trees. The night of the blood moon would be over before anyone knew it. She could feel the energy slowly start to fade. She found her self stopped in a spot where the leaves didn't hide the glow from, admiring the essence of the moon. But the peace was soon interrupted when she heard something behind her growl. Slowly, Ally turned to see some sort of animal. It was huge, but she couldn't exactly make out what kind of animal it was. It stopped growling and walked partially into the light. From what she could see, it looked like some form of canine, but also not. It was enormous, that much she knew. Its eyes were nearly on the same level as hers. She just sat still. If she needed to, she would fight, but she felt she felt oddly relaxed. Slowly, it bowed its head and nudged her hand. Ally carefully lifted her hand and set it on the beast's forehead. Which it welcomed, then rubbed its face against Ally's in an accepting way.

"Ally, where'd you go?"

The voice startled them both. The beast stepped back and ran. Not even a second later, Rita cam into view. Ally looked in the direction where the creature ran, then to Rita, "How are you even walking? Come on, lets get you inside. I can still smell that alcohol on you."

"With good reason. I drank enough to fill the entire world."

That caused Ally to laugh at the comment, then she walked to the other woman and put an arm around her, "Come on, dork. Let's get you tucked in."

"You're such a momma Ally. Its adorable."

"Thank you. I just want to make sure everyone is ok."

They continued to walk as Rita asked, "What about you Ally? Are you ok?"

"I'm alive."

Rita nodded sadly, "I miss her too."

The rest of the walk was silent. Silent tears fell as Ally laid her friend back down and made her way to her room. Without bothering to rid herself of clothes, she gets in bed. Allowing herself to cry as much as she needed before the tiredness put her to sleep.

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