The Beast

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A month had come and gone since the night everything changed for the pack. Unlucky 7 announced that they were in hiatus. Of course that brought a lot of rumors that surrounded the group. They all took breaks from social media, Simon agreed that it was what was best. He might not have spend a LOT of time with the group, but the loss of Y/n was felt by him as well. The girls of Fifth Harmony also announced a hiatus. The fans exploded and expected they were breaking up, blaming one girl or another. Though it hurt to see their fans in such a frenzy, they knew their focus needed to be on the pack. And Lauren. The alpha without her mate. Her parents and Y/n's father helped with the Alpha responsibilities. Not that she couldn't take care of them herself, she was more than capable. She knew that and so did everyone else. But that doesn't mean the help was unwelcome. On top of it all, there had been sightings of Isandro's  lackies around the pack territory.

Which makes the sight before the pack leader, no surprise. They knew it was a matter of time before they closed in. They surrounded the small group of pack members. Lauren just wanted to go for a walk and get a look of the parts of the territory she hadn't seen in a while. So, she and 6 others agreed to go. The alpha looked at the generals with her and knew they'd make it, but it wouldn't be easy against the 20-25 werecats in front of them.

"Now, " the red haired werecat in front spoke, "We don't have to fight, Jauregui. Just come with us. That's all Isandro wants. You don't have to get your generals killed in the meantime."

Dinah growled at him, "Big words for a cub."

"Like a mutt would know anything about big words."

"Enough," all eyes went to Lauren, "You cats honestly need to give it a rest. Your failed attempts are getting quite pathetic. Please, we don't need anymore entertainment. Just turn and leave."

"You know what they say.. if at first you don't succeed, try try again."

With that, they lunged forward at the pack members. Quickly, it got intense. Chica and Seth shifted and jumped over Lauren. Camila, Normani, and Thomas met the cats head on. Dinah took a step closer to Lauren, ready to take down anyone who dared to touch her. The Polynesian wolf made an oath to herself and the Goddess to protect Lauren and her unborn child at any cost, even if the price was her life. An oath she was determined to keep. And being a wolf stronger than the average, she used it to her advantage. A decent sized werecat jumped towards Lauren and her hand wrapped around his throat, stopping him in midair. Without missing a beat, she threw him against a nearby tree. A smirk crossed her face as she heard the crack that followed. But, in seeing this display of strength, four cats lunged toward her. A space was put between her and her alpha. 

Lauren knocked one of Isandro's female fighters and realized how overwhelmed they were. All her generals taking on multiple werecats. Fighting well, but she could tell, their energy would eventually were down. 

"You could save them. Just come with me."

She looked up to the red head in front of her, "I'm not as helpless as I look."

With a devious smirk, he threw a punch at Lauren. One she successfully dodged, but she didn't dodge the palm that made contact with her face with great force and she fell. She heard his disgusting laugh. But it was cut off by a very loud and angry feline growl, followed by a thud. She looked up to see the same creature she had seen all those night ago. Realizing it held many a feline qualities it held as well as canine.

 Realizing it held many a feline qualities it held as well as canine

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(Let's just act like the orange is a dark grey. But that's it)

Its eyes locked onto her attacker, the growling continuing with a powerful ferocity. The werecat stood up and slowly, but surely looked to the beast. Fear flashed across his face, but he made quick work to hide it, "You don't exist. You can't."

The fighting around them stopped and everyone was watching the scene unravel before them. The werecats held a fear in them, those who weren't the same species, would never comprehend. They froze as they watched the squad leader about to take on the creature of many a werecat's nightmare. The leader went to attack, but the beast was too fast and quickly knocked him on his front. Before he could recover, teeth took hold of the back of his neck.

He let out a cry, "I submit! We were sent to get the girl. I promise, we didn't want the fight!"

The beast bit down harder and pierced the skin. Red rivers started their way to the ground.

"Let me go! Please! I submit."

Lauren watched the scene, both fascinated and terrified. She knew a beast of such a size would be powerful, but for it to also possess a more psychological hold it's prey, surprised her. And the fact that it pushed around the supernatural being like it was a tumbleweed in the wind, showed that she underestimated JUST how strong it was.

The wolves just watched in awe. Never had they seen such a creature. Never had they even heard of one. They felt a certain dominance that the creature before them gave off. It wasn't overwhelming, but very close to it. And like the werecats that had stopped fighting, they too were frozen and watching what was to happen next. 

The beast looked to the alpha. Lauren held a hand to her cheek that was struck as her eyes met the beast's. And without breaking eye contact, it tightened its jaws and twisted. The werecat fell limp. After a moment of silence that followed, it let go and looked around. The werecats didn't waste anymore time and they bolted. The creature walked to Lauren, but Dinah bolted in front of her and let out a growl.  The creature stopped and looked her in the eyes and then rolled its own. 

"Did you just roll your eyes at me," Dinah asked, taken back by the action.

It didn't back down not press forward. The others walked up to their alpha and Seth helped her up. She walked up behind Dinah and told her it was ok. Then she passed Dinah to the one who took down the one who struck her. It lowered its head and Lauren ran a hand across the patch of fur between its ears as a thank you fell through her lips. The canine, if she could call it that anymore, went to her side and then laid down then nudged her leg.

"No thank you. I promise I can walk," Lauren said with amusement in her voice.

But it wasn't having it and nudged her leg as it made a huff through its snout. Camila let out a giggle, "I don't think its gonna take no for an answer, Lo."

She shakes her head and gets on its back. It slowly stands up and looks at the others. They look back expecting it to do something, but it doesn't.

"I guess I'll take lead. Um, you guys just want to take the sides and Dinah take rear," Seth suggests and everyone agrees. 

The walk back wasn't a long one. Many questions flew through the pack members' minds. What was this thing? Why were the werecats so afraid, aside from the obvious. Why did they seem like they knew what it was? And these thoughts ran through Lauren's mind as well, but she knew that Alvaro might have a better understanding of the creature she was riding on. She ran her fingers through its fur. It was wirey, yet soft.  The beast went still and everyone else stopped. They looked around then to the creature with confused looks. Then Alvaro came into view and his eyes met those of the one Lauren was on, "My Sun and Moon, what have you done."

"Alvaro," Chica questioned to see if he was ok.

He walked up to the new comer and it raised its head in a proud manner, eyes locking with his.

"The beast of legend comes into light."

"What? Do you know what it is, sir," Thomas asks.

The old alpha gives a nod and explains. The creature before him was never given a proper name, simply known as 'The Beast'. It was an ancient creature of legend. Was told to werecats and werewolves for centuries. When the two groups of shifters separated and started the never ending war, the history of the creature was lost. There were never any true sightings of the beast, but werecats used it as a way to get their little ones to behave. Almost like the boogieman. But Alvaro knew the origins of the legend. He knew that the beast was said to be a creature made from a perfect union of power between the Sun and Moon. He even laughed as he believed it to just be a myth, much like the tooth fairy or Santa. After he finished explaining he let out a sad sigh, "If the beast has chosen to make itself known, that means it has a purpose. My guess, with my daughter gone, they sent it down from their throwns to protect Lauren. And since I was coming from sensing Lauren's distress, I assume that I'm correct in saying that."

There was a silence that followed. And once again, Lauren thanked the Beast.

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