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The smell of smoke pulled Lauren from her sleep. When she made her way down stairs, she noticed her family sleeping. Dawn was coming, but hadn't made its presence known quite yet. She quietly made her way out of the house and towards the smoke. She could tell the fire was on pack land, and that made it her responsibility to know when there was danger. Her feet made hurried steps due to the possibility of someone finding her out and wanting to bring her back. She couldn't stay in her room anymore anyways. It made things so much harder. Her mate's scent intoxicatingly strong only reminded her of exactly what was lost. She let the tears roll down her cheeks, fighting them would be pointless. She snaps to reality when she sees the flames, much smaller than she was expecting. But the initial fire had a target, these flames are what was left and had damaged the surrounding area. Stopping in front of the sight, her knees gave out. The heat wasn't as strong as the smell. The fire had been on its last leg, it had been burning for a while. The two rods still sticking out of the boulder, but the body of her love was now reduced to ash. A sob escaped Lauren. Her mate's body had been destroyed before the parting ritual could be performed. She decided she'd salvage what she could of this and she shifted. Her howl vibrated through the woods, gripping onto the other pack members through their bond.

The generals, her family, and the shaman were there at the front. The eldest sha(wo)man took the paints needed and painted Lauren's fur. The generals had made a path to the base of the boulder. The heat from the scorched earth was still present under her paws, but not enough to hurt. The scent of ashes and her mate were at the base of the stone, right under where the rods still stuck. She took in the smell of ash in front of her, just confirming the horrible truth. She nearly collapsed, but told herself that she was doing it for her, for Y/n. After a second and a deep breath, she lifted her head and let out a long, mourning howl. Her thoughts were consumed by memories of her deceased love and the question of who started the fire in the first place.

Everyone had left. Pack members would come and go to pay respects. But Lauren had stayed, barely moving. The generals decided on taking shifts watching over her. Dawn had come and gone as Chica came to take over for Dinah.

"She hasn't moved, has she?"

Dinah shakes her head, "No. She's still processing. Gods, who could've done this? Anyone who knew about Y/n would know to respect pack rituals. They didn't even give us the night to prepare for it, not even 8 fucking hours after losing her, they pull this shit. And we are forced to do a half assed ritual."

"And with Lo being the one who found it the way she did. I can't imagine what these passed hours have been like for her."

"I know. Even with this dumb war, or whatever you wanna call it, going on... You'd think they'd respect sacred laws."

"Honestly, D, I don't think Isandro respects anything."

There's a small silence, but a thought hits the Unlucky 7 member, "Dinah, shes already halfway through her pregnancy. What's going to happen when the little one is here? He'll be after them once they're born."

Dinah lets out a low growl, "We won't let him. With Y/n gone, we will be the missing parent for that child. No harm will come. It's the least we can do."

Chica agrees and a short while after, Dinah heads back to the homestead.

Nightfall had come again. By now, the alpha had shifted back, but hadn't moved from her position.

"Lauren, sweetheart, I'm gonna go get Seth for his watch. You gonna be ok while I'm gone?"

"Don't bother getting him," Her voice coming out hoarse, "You just head back. I just need a few minutes to myself."

Ally gave an 'ok' then left. The raven haired woman said her final goodbyes and stood up. When her feet met the living grass again, she heard something behind her. As she turned, her eyes met with those of another creature. Huge in stature. Dark. Stood on fours and was looking at Lauren, as if searching her soul. Then it turned to the pile and brushed a paw through the ash.


Lauren is next to the beast in an instant with it's paw in hand, stopping it from digging further. She realizes it doesn't fight her. Instead, it has it's eyes locked on the pile of ash. Lauren looks and sees something shine. Letting go of the creature's paw, she reaches down and grabs the object. It's a ring. A simple silver band with a single emerald. The words 'To My Moon' engraved on the inside of the band. Her eyes snap up to the beast now laying next to her, "How did you know?"

Of course, it doesn't answer. Instead, it just lays its head on her lap. She runs her fingers through its fur and whispers a thank you then gets up and heads home. But not before looking back to get one last look at the canine, but its no where to be seen.

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