"Take Me Out of Here."

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More time had passed. Nearly two. It was quiet on throughout the territory. No sightings of any trespassers. The pack finally got used to the beast making appearances. It wasn't always there, but sightings weren't an uncommon thing. The thought of a creature made of the union of two was still something to wrap their minds around. Sometimes it would show up when there was nothing going on. Sometimes it would show up when there was a lot needing to be done. The children, surprisingly, took a liking to the beast. And it to them. Sometimes someone would so for a walk and would run into it. It even warmed up to Chris when he was finally let out and welcomed back into the pack. With ground rules he had to follow though. But no matter what, the beast would stay by their side for maybe a few minute, but would leave shortly after. 

Besides Lauren, Ally was the one who happened to spend the most time with it. Even though people would joke about her and the beast being the same size, she didn't mind. She was honored. It would come with her as she went into the woods to find certain medicinal plants. She found herself explaining how certain plants helped different ailments.  It would surprise Camila when she would escape to the woods with her notebook and guitar. Occasionally it would fall asleep and Camila would make jokes about 'If it was that boring, you didn't need to stay'. She continued songs that Y/n and her had once started together. In her own way, it was like being with her late alpha. The members of Unlucky 7 would always patrol together, and every time, the beast would make a short appearance. Giving them some sense of security. But also sadness. Don't get it wrong, they were more than grateful for the beast's presence, but it also reminded them of the price paid for it. It crashed one of Normani and Dinah's dates by walking into the clearing they had laid in. Thankfully both women were mostly clothed But later the next day, it brought them a buck as almost an apology. The two Fifth Harmony members accepted it with a laugh and made sure to thank their new animal friend. 

But it never stayed for more than a few moments at a time. 

Lauren was tired. From all her alpha responsibilities, but also from being up and around so much. Pregnancy was no joke. She got under her blankets and allowed sleep to take her.

It was a beautiful scene. The moon hung full in the sky. Her light shining through the empty spaces in the trees. There was a path she was following. One clearly made for her to take. She looked around as she walked, noticing everything had almost a natural shimmer to it. The ground looked and felt soft, almost like she was walking on clouds. Another thing she noticed was that she her baby bump was gone. Shaking her head, she focused on the opening her was coming to. There was a lake. Finally making it to the water's edge, it was so clear. But had a silver glow from the moon's light. 

"You always did look amazing in the moonlight."

Y/n. She wore a black wrap around her chest and black pants, that also held a shimmer in the moonlight. She looked... otherworldly. Her eyes held a shining reddish-silver. Even her smile seemed to shine.

She turned around quickly and saw her lost love, "Y-you.."

Y/n wrapped her arms around her waist and set her forehead against her mate's, "You never failed to take my breath away, Lauren."

Lauren pressed her lips to Y/n's. Her lips felt like home, but wasn't all there. And she pulls away to look into her eyes, "Is this a dream? It has to be."

Y/n's face fell and held a saddened look, "Not quite, but close to it."

"Then I don't want to wake up. Don't make me please," Lauren pleaded as tears ran down her face.

"I'm sorry, Lauren."

"No. Please. I don't want to wake up without you again."

Y/n gave a soft smile, looking at her love like she put the stars in the sky. "I know, querida," she brought her hand to Lauren's stomach, "But you won't be alone."

Lauren set her hand over Y/n's, "I know. You're right, but I still feel so alone. I know I have this beautiful life growing inside. A life that's a beautiful mix of us both. But I don't think I can do this, Y/n. I'm not ready. What if-"

"What if nothing, love. You are going to be an amazing mom, Lauren. I promise. Our baby... she's going to be so loved. By you, by our family... by everyone. They won't have everything, but they will have love. I promise. It's going to be ok."

She didn't want to hear more words. She knew her mate was right, but her heart yearned to have her. Y/n brought her free hand to caress her face. Lauren placed hers over it as she pulled back and rest their foreheads against one another's again. Y/n's thumb brushed her cheek, "I'm always watching out for you, Lauren."

Lauren bolted up in her bed. Tears still running down her cheeks. Y/n. Her scent everywhere in her room. She couldn't breathe. It all hurt too much. She ran out of her room, out of the house, to the woods. She fell to her knees when she was out of sight. Air still being hard to catch. A warm wet nose nudged her cheek and her eyes met her beasts, "Take me out of here."

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