Hospital Visits

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A/N: hello :D i decided to write this, but for the next days i am also gonna be working on ADNW?!!? and 'Uh....' :) then i'll work on my originals (note. i wrote this before i acutually wrote anything xD) anyways...i'm pretty sure this is a filler too :\ those are easier for me to write now a days :\

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                                                       I DO NOT OWN NARUTO  TT~TT

                       pic on the side is the flower Nao made :D ------>



   "Don't worry Nao, Hinata's going to be fine. She just fainted from the blood loss." Kurenai gave me a warm smile despite me beating up one of her squad members. Kiba grumbled something about her fainting for other reasons, but l couldn't catch the reason. 

   "Um...l'm going to take her to the hospital..anyone want to guide me?" l looked around when Sakura raised her hand. l nodded and she led me.


 *Nao's P.O.V. 

   "Are you visiting Hinata today, Nao?" I nodded my head at Sakura. Her and Ino have been pestering me about it ever since Hinata was hospitalized. Ino even gave me a flower to give to her, but then she yelled at me for dissecting it. It's been two days since Hinata was hospitalized and I have been avoiding visiting her, but I've decided, or more like I was forced, that I was going to visit her today. "You should buy her a flower!" I looked towards Sakura.

   "No...I'm fine. Bye guys." I left the training grounds and walked towards the hospital.

 *Kiba's P.O.V. 

                (A/N: sorry if i got this wrong and Kiba's OOC >.<) 

   "You sure you're fine Hinata?" She nodded and smiled at me. I gave her an unsure look. She suddenly looked kind of down. "What is it."

   "W-Well...i-it just t-t-that...N-Nao-kun didn't even f-fight his b-best." My eyes widened with realization. He didn't even use one jutsu, that bastard! I heard the door creak and my head snapped up. I looked back to Hinata as her eyes widened in surprise. I jumped up to my feet and glared at him.

   "What are you doing here." I kept glaring at him. I wasn't all that mad at him because he won against Hinata, more like he he fought but didn't use his all in a fight. He underestimated her.

 *Nao's P.O.V. 

   "I just came to sa---" I was cut off by Kiba reaching for my neck. My arms instinctively went to his hand to stop him.

   "She doesn't need your pity, you've done enough." He let out a deep growl. I sighed and let go of his hand.

   "I'll leave then." I turned around and opened the door, letting it shut behind me.

o0o0*Next Morning*0o0o 

 *Hinata's P.O.V. 

   I opened my eyes and stretched my arms. I was feeling a lot better now. "You awake now?" My head snapped over to the voice. 

   "N-Nao-kun?" My eyes widened and my face heated up. How'd he get in here?

   "Sorry, but I couldn't really find my house and the hospital is easier to spot so i just slept here." I nodded my head slowly a blush still on my face. "Ah! I remember! I was suppose do something for you yesterday." He got up from the chair and walked closer to me as I tensed and got redder. He sat at the edge of my seat smiling brightly, reminding me of Naruto-kun. I nodded my head slightly waiting for him to show or do what he wanted to do. He faced me and opened his left palm, concentrating it. I knitted my eyebrow confused. Air swirled above his palm and formed into a beautiful purple flower. I gasped. It floated above his hand as he smiled a little. His other hand reached for it, but it vanished into thin air. I gasped again as he frowned. "I'm sorry. I'm still trying to get it right."

   "T-That's f-fine, Nao-kun." I looked down at my hands as they fidgeted.

   "Don't call me that, please." I looked at him and he avoided my gaze.

   "What?" He looked at me, a hint of sadness in his eyes. 

   "Don't put 'kun' at the end of my name. I don't deserve that from you." He gave me a sad smile and ruffled my hair. "I didn't do anything that's worth it. Bye now Hinata." He pocketed his hands and walked out the door. He's really nice....he came all the way to say sorry and then tried to learn how to make a flower just for me....he's really nice.


I so sorry it iz short. lol he couldn't make a flower xD it should be hard for him though :\

                         anyways~ hope you enjoyed it ;P bye bye~

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